
My Short-Billed Corella Cockatoo has gone quiet & isnt eating or drinking at all. What's wrong?

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Two days ago my Short-Billed Corella Cockatoo looked strange & under closer inspection i noticed there was blood under his wing so i took him to the vet & they removed a feather that had stuck into him.

Since ive had him home he hasnt made one noise (he is usually very loud!) & he hasnt drunk or eaten anything.

Whats wrong with him?




  1. I think he is sick. Take him to the vet again

  2. Sounds like he could be sick. :( That or perhaps he lost to much blood. It may seem a bit farfetched but bird are small, and what may seem a little blood is alot! Take him to The Vet SOON!

  3. obviously it is sick.I recomend u to take it to a vet immediately....if cant take a brufen or panadol tabelet ,mix it in water and make your cockato drink it(force it). its really good it saved mines life.....

  4. That is a very good sized bird you have! Good of you to take him to the vet for the problem!

    Most birds do not survive 24 hours without food or water. He could very well be eating at drinking when you are not looking.

    There is a chance he is pouting about the vet experience. Mine tend to sulk a bit afterwords but it doesn't last too long.

    It's really hard to say exactly why he has fallen silent. Since you just had him at the vet, they would of noticed signs of illness. most avian vets give a basic exam before they get started on the problem he is in for.

    I would call and ask the avian vet technician over the phone. They will gladly take your call and won't' charge you for this. I don't know how many times I have had to use this for my birds after treatments. Often the vet will return my call himself.

    I hope one of the ideas helps or some way.

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