
My Shoulder Hurts When It Rains. No one Cares.?

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I've had a shoulder injury from earlier this year. My friend threw something hard (i think it was a baseball) at my shoulder and it hit me really really hard. It hurt so much i wanted to cry but anyway i didnt. Then a few days later it stopped hurting. But sometimes when I try to move my arm upwards above my head i hear some cracking sounds and it kinda hurts. Before it rains, my shoulder starts hurting like the world was going to end the next day. I told my mum several times from time to time it hurt alot when it rains but she dismisses it as me using the computer too much or the air conditioner. Please. What should i do? No one cares. o_o .




  1. I know of three possibilities.

    1) If you already had osteoarthritis or cartilage damage, the area may have been damaged when your friend (some friend) hit you with the ball.  I have has osteoarthritis for years (I'm 61) and it's bad.  It acts the way yours does.

    2) Your bursa sac may have been damaged.  That leads to bursitis.  However that would not account for the cracking sound.  That could have been part of two problems.

    3) You may have joint damage or a green stick fracture.  That would account for everything.

    Frankly, waiting this long was not a good idea.  Conditions can get worse through time.  Believe me, I learned that the hard way.

    In any case, you should see a doctor, preferably an orthopedic surgeon.  Don't get scared - orthopedic surgeons rarely have to perform surgery, but they have the best equipment or access to the best equipment for your problem.  You need to have that area xrayed.  If necessary you may need an MRI.  Please don't wait - you don't want to end up like me.


    Wish I Could Go Back in Time and Make the Right Decision

  2. Sounds like your injury is sensitive, Sometimes you will get arthritis in an injured spot. Sometimes the injury does react to weather, its achier and uncomfortable. You could talk to your Dr to see what kind of healing has taken place, maybe you have excess scar tissue that can be taken care of. Lots of joint injury, surgery, and healing end up reacting to rain, cold, humidity. Your Dr. may do specials shots for the pain into the area or they could have other suggestions. I am a parent myself, and I hate when other parents blow off their kids physical and or emotional complaints. It is something, maybe not serious, but you wont know that unless you talk to your doctor.

    Below is a link to ask-a-nurse where you don't need your parent to ask a medical question, At the bottom of the page is their 800 number, the call is free and confidential.

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