
My Sister Is Anti-Environment...?

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My sister is eleven. She never remembers to turn off the lights, her bedroom fan, and occasionally she'll leave the taps dripping. When I get annoyed with her for this and tell her to go green, she yells at me and says it doesn't matter and she doesn't care.

She doesn't believe me that it's her future, and says it's just the future for her possible kids and grand-kids. When I ask her doesn't she care about them, she says no, because it's not her life.

I realize that leaving the bathroom light on isn't that big an issue. But the fact that she doesn't care is. How do I make her understand?!?!




  1. shes 11 years old! of course she doesn't care!

  2. Maybe you should go online and find some information about the issue and what will happen to the planet if people keep doing this. You can also tell her that if she keeps doing this she will have to pay for the extra energy that is not in use when she is an adult. Also mention that it is gunna be a lot of money because in the future everything is gunna cost a lot more.

  3. She is not anti-environmental. She is irresponsible. She lack the sense of responsibility. It is your parents fault. Your parents should have raised her to care and be responsible but it is bad that they didn't. There is nothing you can do to make her understand. Hopefully when she lives on her own, she will realize what she do is wrong and will change. You shouldn't worry about finding ways to make her understand. 11 year olds need parental discipline not sibling discipline. Chances are when parents don't care, kids will not care. So why bother worry? Hopefully when the electric bill is extremely high, your parents will be shocked and you can explain to your parents about that and they will realize that your sister needs discipline. It is your parents that will have to pay the bills, not you right? So why not allow your parents to face their mistake right?

  4. In 10 yrs. she'll care. Now, forget it.

  5. She has the right to make up her own mind.  How do I make you understand that you are not her boss?

  6. Maybe she's just trying to be contrary, ya know, to get attention even negative attention.  She'll probably outgrow it.  Just keep reminding her, but don't freak out about it.

  7. Shes only 11, shell come around when she gets a little older and they start talking about it at her school or when she starts watching television shows that talk about it.

  8. I honestly wouldn't worry about it too much. She'll figure out that it's a big deal sooner or later.

    If she doesn't care when she's 14 or 15, then I'd worry, but not just for the earth.

    Maybe try taking the approach that it costs extra money to leave a light on all day.

  9. Brats are fun to live with, huh?

  10. You have to consider your audiance when trying to persuade people to change. She is eleven think about what an eleven year old cares about. Try to find ways to motivate her instead of pointing out when she does something wrong. She's probably going to want to start wearing make up or cares about what she wears, and her favorite singer, not what will happen when she is old. See if any of her favorite celebs are earth friendly, and show her that it is the in thing to care about the environment. Show her some of the ingredients in her beauty products can actually be bad for her and help her find healthy alternatives. Try to connect on her level not yours, you are likely to be more successful.

  11. Wow! She's only 11 and she already realises that the AGW is a myth? Cool.

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