
My Sister Is Throwing Up Allot What Can She Do?

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My sister has 2 months of pregnancy and she vomits every 20 minutes and she hasn't ben eating nothing and looks very dehydrated what types of things can she eat or drink and what can she do to stop vomiting. PLEAS HELP




  1. if she's dehydrated she should drink water, or koolaid which has electrolytes that help her have some energy. she should drink liquids slowly, small sips. she probably shouldn't eat anything, but try some broth or jello. if she still vomits really bad, like all the liquids and food, take her to the hospital and they can give her liquids through iv.

  2. GO TO THE HOSPITAL!!!! If she is dehydrated they can put an IV in her to get her hydrated and help with the vomiting.

  3. Water and soup or something healthy. And she should probably go to the doctor if you weren't exaggerating about her throwing up every 20 minutes.

  4. She needs to go to the hospital, and go on IV to get her re-hydrated.

  5. yeah she just prenate........~xoxo ally*

  6. If she is throwing up every twenty minutes, she needs to go to the hospital!

  7. HAHA....."if she kept her legs close u know  

  8. I've heard crackers help.

  9. A LOT is two words genius. Perhaps she could drink something like WATER.  

  10. are you dumb...? DOCTOR!

  11. Nausea is common in pregnancy but if anyone is dehydrated from vomiting they need to see a doctor ASAP and get fluids in.  Is it just today? Some people find that ice chips help to get fluid in. Start every 5 minutes and see if anything happens do this about 3 times then give a few sips of water if she can hold that down after 5 minutes.  If she can repeat for another 3 times then slowly increase the amount of fluid.  You may want to replace her electrolyes with gatorade or something if she can handle.  A trick they use to help kids that ar vomiting after they can drink fluids is to start them on bananas, rice, applesause and toast.   Don't give her too much at once though.  She has a sensitive stomach.  

    But if she is really dehydrated like if you looks at the bottom of ther eye lids and they arepale and dried out she does need medical attention,.

  12. give her some Ginger ale and water. also try crackers. if she doesn't stop throwing up soon, take her to the emergency room. if you cant get her there call the fire dept

  13. drink 7UP and eat crackers. You should take her to the doctor if she's throwing up that often

  14. Ginger ale and saltines.

    Saltines are like magic.

  15. Go to the doctor.  Every 20 minutes isn't normal.

  16. eat some cracker

  17. Your sister should see a doctor, she needs to get hydrated again quickly, see if she can take sips of water with a little sugar dissolved in it and don't worry about the food for a couple of days.

    If the vomiting slows down, get her to eat a little.

    If she is still vomiting and not taking any water, you should take her to the doctor right away.

  18. That is very very very serious. very very very serious!!!! You need to take her to the emergency room right way!!! throwing up that much is very harmful for her esophagus. And yes, she is dehydrated from that. This is not normal and she needs medical attention right away.  

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