
My Sister is Married and her Hubby is out of Town -

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and she's going out all the time and doing "unfaithful" things. Should I say something to her or just agree with her to shut her up and make her happy?





  1. You could tell your sister that you don't think it is right what she is doing and that someone is likely to tell her husband. I don't think I would ever tell on her though because that puts you right in the middle. Let her dig her own grave.

  2. It would appear that telling her anything isn't going to do any good, because it seems this is the way she enjoys her self. I don't approve of it but that's her life. I would try and stay out of this as much a possible because your going to get in the middle it all and there may be hard feelings with your brother-in-law about knowing this, and you said nothing to him. Let her do what she wants, she's a big girl. Stay out of it.

  3. you should talk to her as we all know that someone will tell her  husband soon

  4. stop being nosey, your sister's marriage has nothing to do with you, butt out.

  5. If it were my sister, I'd be on her case about it. I'd give her a chance to fess up to her husband before telling him myself.

    You have a tough decision to make.

  6. Tell her to stop it or you'll tell him what is going on behind his back.

  7. Tell her she just can't share this stuff with you... it makes you upset because you think it is wrong. Say you do not want it to hurt your relationship with her so she must find a way to be discrete and keep you completely out of it... you can even say it makes you feel you are being disloyal to her husband and her marriage to stand by so she needs to keep you out of it.

  8. Tell her hsuband so he doesn't end up with a disease or having to raise her b*****d kids she is going to make with other guys.

  9. Mind you own business.

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