
My Sister is a Vegan Please Help Me Understand Her????

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My sister is a college professor at a prestigious California University and a Marxist like most of her colleagues. She invokes fear and punishment on anyone that disagrees with her and claims the rest of the world is “INTOLORANT”. She openly brags about flunking anyone that likes the Republicans, throws kids out of her class for eating snacks that are not vegetarian or Veger and promotes PETA in class. My mother tries to work with her on holidays but she always makes a scene and has even thrown food at us during a Vegan rant last Christmas. We have even eaten before she gets there, cleaned it up and ask her to bring Vegan dishes we can try. She finds food in the fridge and off she goes.

1. Are most V/V’s like that (as evidenced by answers and violations on here)?

2. Is there any way to get her to tolerate us at holidays or do we just stop going?

3. What else is it she wants us to do?




  1. 1. No

    2. I'm sure you've given her plenty of reason to detest you.

    3. She wants you to learn to spell properly.

    FYI: this is a troll. There is no college where all the professors are vegan marxists who flunk republicans and throw kids out of class who eat non-vegetarian snacks. This is complete fiction.

  2. You have a triple whammy going on there. California elitist, a Liberal Professor, and a PETA loving Veger. I bet she is for Obama too. Well I agree with most of the people here (except for the three V&V haters that growled at you).

    1.) No there are just an evil few and I would be surprised if this question and most of the answers don’t get violation notices.

    2.) I agree with be nice when she first arrives and come meal time don't say anything just go eat and ignore her.

    3.) She wants to be the ruling class like has been said and she is mad because that does not happen at home. Typical problem with all families.

  3. I think it is more the professor side of the thing than Veger. I eat fish/seafood but other than that only veggies but I do not scrutinize the label looking for some chemical that may be derived from an animal somewhere. You would think I would get along with Vegetarians & Vegans on here as I do in real life but Noooooo. There are a few like your sister on here and all my questions on here get violated. Hatefull as it is I know it is only a few.

    Just show up at meals for your mom and don't talk to your sister. The conflict validates her and ignore the haters on here. Even though the violate most of my answers I will still talk to you. Add me as a friend and I will do the same and watch your postings and answer id I can.

  4. Some say “horsepuckey” others say “troll” and still others twist the fact your Sister is a Marxist to all professors are Marxists (AQ) to discredit you. I believe college professors are very capable of dropping your grade if they don’t like your politics. Do you think Ward Churchill would be above that? He is like a lot of professors I know. (I do have a Masters and have had to kiss a lot of professor ****)

    I see trolls here saying stupid things like “How do you cook your steak” then there are some V/V haters here that probably agree with your sister and they go around violating everyone they disagree with. So I am pleased you got as many honest cool answers as you did.

    1. There are some like your sister but far from all. They are just more vocal and vindictive than the rest.

    2. Focus on having time with her and kiss her **** a little when she first gets there and just stop talking at meal time and ignore her completely. Reward punishment type aproach maybe she will learn to stop talking at meal time.

    3. She wants to be the professor of your family not just sis. She is accustomed to the socialist privalage of the ruling class that she does not have in a capitalistic family especially if it is a successful one.

  5. Not all vegetarians and vegans are like this, so please don't categorise us all into one group. I have the same beliefs as your sister but I don't preach to people, and I certainly don't force my beliefs down their throats. Everybody is equal to their own opinions and beliefs in life, that's how I look at it, and if they happen to agree with me - then that's great. But otherwise I don't even bother, because preaching gets you nowhere. It leads to arguments and conflict. And I'd rather keep the peace.

    The best thing you should do is just voice your opinion and tell her you have your own opinion and beliefs, in the nicest possible way. Tell her you're proud of her for being so passionate about her beliefs. Tell her that she's forcing everyone around her to conform to her lifestyle, and if you want someone to join your beliefs - that's not a way to go about it, and she should know this being a vegan.

    Sometimes people get so passionate and so worked up on their beliefs and religions that it becomes all they see. She wants you, being her family, to see things her way and make you understand why she feels like this because you are closest to her. Just support her - but don't hide things from her just because she's a vegan.

    Good luck to you.

  6. Your sister is obviously very opinionated about being vegan and you have tried to work with her and this has still not worked. I think you need to exclude her from the holidays for a while and see if that has an effect. You have given effort to work with her but she has given none. Maybe if you show her why your trying to keep the family together by stopping for a while so she can see the result she will understand and change her ways or atleast try a little harder to work with you. If she expects people to respect that she is vegan she also needs to respect that they are not. Try getting her to see the world around her instead of just her. She may think the world is "Intolerant" but they also think that of her. Get her to see the big picture; people may give her the respect she is demanding now by kicking students out of the class and leaving at holidays if she also gives them the respect that they are not vegan.

  7. Most vegans just oppose the suffering animals go through at different slaughterhouses. So just bring kobe beef to bbq's . That is supposedly a young calve that gets a good massage before it gets stuck to a knife.

       Or write it off as meat eaters karma and just accept her for what she is.

  8. I also teach but at a large East Coast University (U of **). There a lot of Vegetarian & Vegan professors I teach with and a lot more Marxist than not. Almost all lean way left and it goes without saying it is your class your syllabus and your empire. A lot of them will make value judgments on grades when they disagree with the students’ politics or views of life. Now imagine your sister coming from that totalitarian environment to a home where she has no power and authority and probably a younger child so she is low in the pecking order. As a professor people have to bow down and kiss her hand (or something lower). She is the ruler of the world and believes people like her should rule the world. I am sure that is most of the problem as I see it every day (thank God I am tenured or this honesty could get me in hot water). Add to that the Veger “I am righteous and always right” vindictive way of life and you have a monster. Just go to be with your mother at holidays, ignore your sister and say no more to her than hello. Antagonizing her will make her worse. I see a lot of hateful people on here but I also see trolls antagonizing them (like teasing a hungry Tiger at a zoo they will maul you).

  9. your sister cant make everybody agree with her.she can just kick out people of the class because there not eating a snacks that she wants them to eat.all she needs is to grow up.she also needs to get some help.

  10. I'm a vegan & im never like that I think she belives all of us are like that but my best friend is a vegan to and we both think your sis needs to take a chill pill.(sorry for the little quote we're hippies.

  11. Wow, she needs to learn manners, tolerance and respect.  You're in a no win situation here.  Stop going to holidays and she'll flip, keep doing what you're doing and she'll flip.  Your best bet is to try and talk with her to reason with her.

  12. no all vegans are like that

  13. vegan n**i

    i wouldnt put up with that b/s

  14. your sister needs a lesson in tolerance.

  15. no not everyone is like that. most of us are cool people (at least i am)

    i would just try to talk to her and say shes doing more harm than good. if she keeps acting like that then give her time.

    i think she wants you to understand her and support her cause, but shes giong overboard and doesnt know how to get her point across in a polite manner.

    im sorry shes acting like this, but give her time and your understanding.

    try to talk to her, askher w\hats going on.

    and just talk to her in general so she doesnt feel left out. ask her how her days going nd stuff.

    good luck!!

  16. I smell a load of horsepuckey here.  But even if your sister is like that, she's certainly in the minority.  A minority I could probably count on both hands.  Granted, I hate many Republicans, but if I were a professor, I wouldn't flunk 'em for it.  When I'm with family, I don't get cranky unless there's no food I can eat.  I don't mind going to an omni event, but make sure there's something I can eat besides a plate of iceberg lettuce.

  17. I know a lot of vegetarians and a couple vegans and NOT ONE of them are like that....i hate to tell you this but your sister is F-U-C-K-I-N-G crazy...she needs serious mental institution help....she is the one that is intolerant of the rest of the world if she is unwilling to let you enjoy your meal that isn't vegan...

  18. I'm vegan and not like that at all. Sounds like your sis is crazy. Everyone should tell her that you all are trying to be as accommodating as possible for her, she should do the same for you. I don't force my diet or views on anyone, but if you want to learn something and are willing to listen I'm more than happy to explain my life style you know?

    Smack her over the head with some broccoli and call it a day. LOL

  19. h**l no! I'm a vegan and I'm not psycho!

    Well, when it comes to someone that feels so strongly about animals, I guess you just have to learn to live with it. I mean, from the looks of things, she'll probably yell at you if you try to reason with her.

    I don't know, ask her!

    My advice is do whatever you want, it's a free country afterall, just ignore her c**p. If she wants to be a pain in the ***, that's her problem. She can't make you do anything you don't want to do. This applies to the rest of your family too.

    Sheesh, she gives vegans/vegetarians a bad name. Tell her I said that.

  20. she should respect you guys, thats her family she is throwing food at, and i think thats really unneccesary.

    u guys shud talk it out or maybe argue if it gets serious.

    you dont have to understand her, you guys gotta settle down first and then talk it over. if i had a sister like that i probably be argueing with her, its not fair to go her way. this is my opinion dont have to follow what i say.

    1. i.d.t.s

    2. i say just keep it fair, first talk to her and see what plans you gyus can make before going.

    3. idk

  21. Your sister needs to grow up.  It's great she is passionate about her beliefs but she's being completely immature about it.  As for holidays, I would say until she can change her behavior toward the rest of you that are not Vegans, she should be left out of the festivities.  You guys sound like you've tried to be accommodating and she's just being a brat.  I would try talking to her about how her behavior makes your family feel and let her know that she's being childish.  Let her know you respect her beliefs but you wish she would find another, less militant, way of practicing them.  Good luck!

  22. If the rest of the world is so "intolerant" what word best describes her attitude?  

    A college professor should have a good working knowledge of the term intolerant.

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