
My Slap Shot?

by Guest57555  |  earlier

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and about 5 ft 2




  1. You might have the stick too long, or are doing something wrong. You could be slapping the stick down significantly before the puck and forcing the stick into the ice. Try to hit about in inch behind the puck.

    I doubt it's anywhere close to feeling like 100 flex. You're 5'2... probably around 100 pounds. That'll take half your body weight to bend an inch. That's about right in terms of flex.

    Another thing- are you trying the slapshot on ice or concrete? It could feel very different then it should with the added friction of outdoor roller hockey.

    But I would recommend working with a coach to determine the cause. We can't see what you're doing, we can't really evaluate it.

  2. How old are you? Not always is the slap shot for everyone, especially younger players. I would focus on my wrist and snap shot more than anything right now. I would also do exercises to increase strength in my wrists and forearms for obvious strength and better yet, a quicker release. Once you build up your wrists and forearms and have mastered the wrist and snap shot, then focus on your slapper!

    ADD: 14 is young, no need to try or worry about your slap shot just yet. Work hard and master the other more accurate and reliable shots first, then practice on your slapper after,

    Add....Hasek retiring is good for the Wings, both of them actually. It was time for him to retire.

  3. hey bro

    im amost 16 and i had problems with my slap shot too when i was your age. first of all if your stick has 50 flex you cant really cant do a slap shot, but if you dont want to buy an expensive stick, get a wooden one.

    To do a slap shot, you need alot of shoulder muscle,  and your torso should be twisted and your body should act like a spring. you should wind up and just before you hit the puck you should "release"and hit the puck. and right before you hit it also watch the puck even after you hit it. also lean into your shot.

  4. go cheep and get your self a wooden stick for now.

    50 flex? i now your 14 but how big are you?

    Thats probably got to much whip
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