
My Snow Fountains Cherry Tree is dieing!?

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I planted it exactly how I was supposed to-about a week to 2 weeks ago. 1/2 potting soil, 1/2 dirt from the hole mixed together. I also tried to plant a pine tree last year and it died. Any tips on how I can save this one?




  1. How big was it?  How often are you watering?  What method are you using to water?

    Okay.  The best way to water a tree that size is by laying an open-ended hose on the rootball.  No attachment on the end.  Turn the water on to a trickle, so that the flow is about the size of a pen.  Let it go for about 10-15 minutes.  Do that 2-3 times a week at most.  Every other day might be too much, and standing and spraying with a spray, conversely, might not be getting enough water soaked in to wet the rootball all the way down. (It's kind of hard when I'm not there to look)

    Infrequent, deep waterings are much better than frequent shallow ones.  After it's had a good soak - just because the surface soil is dry a few days later, doesn't mean it needs water.  If in doubt, do a little exploratory, and see if you can feel moisture on the tip of your finger 4 inches down.  If you can, don't water.

    Remember - slow, deep, and infrequent.  When cool weather comes, back if off to once a week.  After the first year, it should be established, and won't need watering except in drought.  

    Be careful of amending the soil too much if you have surrounding clay.  In those cases - what you've done is created a clay bowl filled with good soil.  When it rains, the rain doesn't penetrate the surrounding clay, and flows over the surface, and fills up your clay bowl.  Even though you might not see it from the surface, you could be faced with drowning roots (and cherries don't like wet feet).  I don't know if that's the case in your situation, but it could be.

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