
My Son Vomits Every Few Weeks?

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I have a just-turned 9 year old son.

The end of May he came over all shivery and shaky, had really bad stomach pains, then a few hours later he was sick a few times, but lots volume wise! Then he was fine after a day or two.

In June the same thing happened. He was shivery, cold, stomach pains then hours later was sick. Was ok the next night then started again the night after.

In July, I took him to the doctors. He was sick that day too. The doctor sent him for blood tests but they all came back clear.

He started again last night, was sick twice during evening, then again at 4a.m and has been sick again tonight.

He never gets diarrhoea, just stomach pains and shivering/temperature.

I'm planning on taking him back to the doctors, but it's Bank Holiday weekend so have from now til Tuesday worrying!

Does anyone have any ideas what this could be? I don't think it's an allergy as he's a really fussy eater and has had the same rotation of foods he likes for years! He hasn't had anything new or different.

Thank you!




  1. My son had cyclic vomiting syndrome for a few years - he would be sick maybe two or three times a day (usually evening or during the night) for a couple of days, then nothing for a couple of weeks. No one ever worked out why, though there were comments on his adenoids being at the bottom of it. (He snored a lot) My son did have food allergies, but he was never exposed to those foods, so it wasn't that. They often can't find a reason for it. My son was much younger, it went though from baby time until he was about four and a half, and it slowly stopped, growing less frequent. My son didn't always have shivering and (please note) NO apparent pains, just sudden vomiting, occasionally proceeded with him looking a little glazed.

    If you have a waterproof blanket left over from when he was younger I'd make up the bed with two bottom sheets with that and an old towel sandwiched between them near his head end, take  up a spare set of PJs and a pillow and case. The if he is sick you just peel off the top sheet and protective stuff and you have a clean sheet already underneath. Plus a glass or water and a bowl to rinse the acid off his teeth. My sons teeth suffered a bit.

    Please don't assume it is the syndrome, it could be a virus, or maybe a parasite or he could have developed an allergy. Good luck. You may feel happier if you make up a bed in his room tonight.

    Best wishes

  2. There's a whole lot of things this could be, but none of us can tell you. It's up to a doctor to run the right tests etc.

    Many years ago, my sister has a similar problem and she had something wrong with her stomach - I was quite young so don't remember the details. All it meant was a course of medicine and she was over it. It did take some time to diagnose though.

    Modern medicine is amazing, i'm sure he's fine.

    Good luck

  3. Take him back to the doctor,also is your son troubled with anything as sometimes these are signs

  4. In December my son who was 7 at the time had a similar thing.  He was fine and then started saying he didn't feel well got rather hot and shaky and about 3 hours later when he got in to bed he was sick every where.  There was lots as well, up walls and everything. Couple of days later he was fine!

    3 weeks later Christmas day the exact thing happened.  He said he was feeling unwell and tada sickness but this time I managed to get a bucket thank god because there was loads :( Some of it went on his new toys he was gutted as well as ill!  I put it down to Christmas but the more I thought about it he barely had any dinner and he had eaten 3 chocolate coins!! So it wasn't from eating junk.

    Roughly 3/4 weeks later the same thing happened again.  I was so worried and time and time again the doctor said it was a virus.  Apparently Nov/Dec/Jan time there is a virus that goes round called the Noro Virus but my son had  this three times.  

    It happened again and still I got no answers, It did subside after this but I have no explanation for it but I was a wreck just because when he was ill we barely slept ( i was heavily pregnant as well) cleaning up sick and just worrying in general about him.

    I would call NHS 24 if it gets bad like if he cant keep down water and things because the last thing you want on top of him being sick if him being dehydrated :(

  5. It's unusual for one of that age but he could be having vomiting and gastro-oesophageal reflux. The stomach lies just under a muscle called the diaphragm. Both the diaphragm and the gullet (the tube between the mouth and the stomach) act together to keep stomach contents in the stomach. This system sometimes doesn't work too well in young babies and the stomach contents can come back up the gullet, including some of the acid from the stomach. This problem often affects women in the later stages of pregnancy.

    Does he have asthma as well? They often go together. But he should see the doctor soon.

  6. I haven't heard of anything like that but i think you should see a better doctor. Maybe they are looking at some things wrong.

  7. Seems like this is happening to often to be just a stomach bug and needs investigating. More tests are needed to find out the cause and I would ask your doc to refer him to a specialist. Hope it is nothing serious.

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