
My Son is 9 month old and he is not that strog in sitting or standing what should I do??

by  |  earlier

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He crowls and theeting too what things will make him to walk fast?????????????plzzzz HELP




  1. don't force him. he will do it on his own time. but to help strenghten his legs eat a book on baby exercises so you can practice exercises with his legs. but also some babies dont' start walking unill well over a year so don't worry.

  2. Buy him a Bowflex.

  3. Hi

    I am a Social Worker. Kids start exploring the world on there selfs don't force his things let him find it out.

  4. every kid is diff and learns at there own pace. i wouldnt worry about it that much. you could help him by using a poppy pillow and let him sit in the middle, that way if he falls he will fall on the pillow. also keep trying to get him to sit up, he will get it one day!

  5. Not much you can really do make sure he gets enough "tummy time" as they say so he can get the experience of moving around.

  6. There's nothing you can do be let him do it in his own time.

  7. Don't rush it. There have been studies that say crawling is a very important milestone and that there's a link between crawling and being a good reader later. Kids who skip crawling and go straight to walking aren't as good of readers as those who crawl, strangely enough.  As an English teacher,  I can tell you that it's probably that the baby is more patient as he's looking at ALL of his surroundings and isn't rushing himself through his stages. Don't push him to walk--enjoy him as he is.

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