
My Son is on prednisone and he looks like he did cocaine

by  |  earlier

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my son is on 40 mg of prednisone and 4 benadryl (poison oak)

he isnt himself he sees things in the corner of his eyes and hes really jumpy - he did not do coke he has been home for over a week.

its like he is on speed his pupils r way too big





  1. im sorry i have to take prednisone everyday for serious  reasons and i have never looked like that and saw things out of the corner of my eyes.. i highly doubt the benadryl is doing that either since ive never had any problems with it... get your son tested

  2. might of takin a pill

  3. Not everyone curls up and falls asleep from Benadryl.  Benadryl primarily causes drowsiness; however, it is not uncommon for people to feel agitated, have difficulty sleeping and experience disturbance in vision.  Prednisone also is known to cause nervousness and restlessness (especially at the dose he is on).

    I noticed that he is taking 4 benadryl (100 mg)...but how often?  Diphenhydramine should not exceed 300 mg/day.  Some of the symptoms of overdose include dilated pupils, hallucinations, blurred vision, trembling (which could easily be confused with cocaine abuse).  Using this site is never an alternative for evaluation by a physician.  I suggest you contact the prescribing physician's service and explain your concerns to let the doctor determine if he needs to see your son or alter his meds.   With regard to his prednisone, do not change the med regimen without speaking with his physician.  Prednisone is administered and tapered in a specific way to allow the adrenals to begin corticosteroid production.  It is important to ease off this med per your doctor's instructions.


  4. maybe call the emergency room and ask a nurse there. Emergency room not 911.

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