
My Spacers Hurt Like h**l!?

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My spacers hurt lie S H I T and i f*****k I N G hate them I got them on today. they didnt hurt at first but now they kill!!!!! I tried eating ice cream and that hurt because it was too cold and I cant eat tacos, pizza, not even PB&J. Soup and jello is the only thing that wont hurt I guess. But I cant live off jello, soup, and pudding for two weeks. I still have 13 more days. I know I might sound like a P U S S Y but people said they dont hurt that bad, but I cant even touch my teeth together because 1. the rubber bands hit eachother and 2. IT f*****k I N kills!!!!! I just took some advil like half an hour ago, i took 3. and they hurt just as much. What am I gunna do. I'm f*****k E D!!!!!




  1. Guest34

    i feel the same way right now.. i got 7 of them put in yesterday and the pain is getting worst. i can barely eat anything. >_<

  2.  HELP ME!!!!!

  3.  I know! The pain in my mouth right now hurts more than when I sprained my toe!It is killing me!I have a lot of homework to finish up, but I can't do anything, it hurts that bad! If you distract yourself, it helps a bit, but not anything drastic

  4.  omg i jus picked one out feels so much better, but the rest hurt so bad!!!!!!

  5.  I got mine in today, it didn't hurt at first althought it was just annoying but now it hurts like FUUUUCCCKKK it's 5 in the morning and i'm chillin with my granny because i cannot sleep...GAHHH it hurt 397492875 times more when i bite down...If the braces hurt more i might pass out in my Docs office. Its like labor pains but in your mouth...think of it this way guys, we'll hav amazing teeth after all this pain and agony.

  6. ok yo,

    i got my spacers put on about a month ago and their off and im wearing my braces currently,

    Bassicaly for all people, spacers are different, amazingly, some people dont go through no pain and it doesnt bother them. .. meanwhile most of u will go through pain as i did and as i see lol. . . what u should eat is:



    NOOOO chewable foods for the first days


    ( some people )  ice cream

    and try pediasure.

  7.  i knowww how u guys feelllll....i got mine on today and they hurt like a bitchhhhh cuz i cant handle anyyyyyyyyyy pain at all in my mouth but everywhere else i can handle pain ,just not my mouth...and the pain from the spacers is the worst thing everrrr.... i hateeee itt more than anything...i want to take them out soooo bad cuz its irratating me to death. i literly want to kill myself cuz im in a lottttt of pain...and i cannnnttttt sleeeeeeepppppp....i dont know what to do.... death seems like the bessstttt option for me right now...ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......... sincerly M...... j..

  8. Oh my God. I know how you feel. I have the same exact problem!! I swear I can't eat anything -.- I have to have them in for like 4 more days, and they hurt so much I'm on the berg of crying. I just want to rip them out, but I know that won't help anything. I've taken Advil, and stuff but that doesn't even work. What the f**k? D:

  9. Mine hurt like heck too. I can barely eat soup without any noodles. Anything else I try to eat hurts so frickin bad. This is the worst pain i have ever experienced in my life, no kidding! I hate them so much. If the braces hurt worse than the spacers I think i will die! Try eating soup, ice cream, yogurt, jello, and pudding. Don't over-do it on the warm foods though because it makes it worse, trust me.

  10.  i just got mine today and they hurt like crazy. i have to wear them for 1 week. plzzzzz help me. 

  11. Ah I know how you feel. I got mine yesterday and they gave me 11. 7 on top and 4 on the bottom (I have a cramped mouth, I know). They feel like I'm being stabbed in the mouth. I tried eating things and I found what works. I'm a vegitaian too. I've been eating things like


    Popsicles (no biting),


    cheese ravioli (If your not a vegitarian regular ravioli and beefaronie are good too),

    super tender Macaroni and cheese,

    Melty ice cream

  12.  My spacers are preventing me from sleeping -_o its 5:41Am. They also hurt like you all describe but i toughed it out and ate a bagel. ( I EAT BAGELS FOR BREAKFAST. HHHHUUUUU RRRRRRRAAAAAA ).

  13.  OMG i got mind today, and oh my flipppen gosh they hurt soooooo freakin badddd! I HAVE 9 MORE DAYS ): Jesus help me! Arghhhh, but just hang in there buddyBoy ' !

  14. man i got mine yestoday & they hurt bad i have like 8 of them suks bottom teeths hurt worst than top & can't even close my mouth the teeths and man its painful just don't think about them and play some video games or outside like football and keep eating like jello and applesauce like all the fruits after like 30 mins or so but man it hurts bad


  15. lol i just got mine on today... now its hurting like a mother b***h D;;;   and i still have a week and im dying after a couple of hours AGHHHH


  16. god d**n my spacers hurt like h**l too I'm about to jump out a window

  17. i got mine in yesterday, and yes, it f****n sucks! all ive been eating is soup. sometimes i try to chew other things with my more front teeth but its not that easy XD. i would just try advil or some ibuprofen. hope it gets better man!

  18. okay

    first of all.........chill

    second have you taken advil or ibuprofen they reallly help

    and i know it may seem like a long time but sooner or later if you just take a pill and ignore them you will get used to them

    i had them and braces for 4 years

  19. haha,i just got mine today...and they gurt so bad! they didn' hurt when i left it kinda hurt when my orthodontist tried to squeeze them in between my poor teeth. but now they hurt worse they before...i can barley eat anything.
    Uhhh,just can't wait to get them off and then just get the braces on so it can be done and over with!

  20. haha,i just got mine today...and they gurt so bad! they didn' hurt when i left it kinda hurt when my orthodontist tried to squeeze them in between my poor teeth. but now they hurt worse they before...i can barley eat anything.
    Uhhh,just can't wait to get them off and then just get the braces on so it can be done and over with!

  21. take a couple oxys! they always work for me! lol jk. *_*


  23. mine do too. eat applesauce. and dont think abotu it. mine off in 7 days

  24. Omg lmao I got my spacers taken of today lol  I got at least 5

    I kno painful as f*k hahah I feel for u dude but do not fret

    just drink water watch some tv gargle with warm wAter N salt

    also try taking some pAin killers if u get hungry the only options right now

    would be soup mate lol just bare with it dude haha

    my proof.... Expirienced it

  25. Mine hurt like h**l I got hem on two days ago, wha helps me is putting ice in my mouth or taking advil

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  27. I got my spacers about 2 days ago. and i am in so much pain.. it feels as if my gums are contracting... Jesus help me plz!!!! i have been told that braces hurt no were near as much as spacers so. i am looking forward to getting my braces put on. the funny thing is all my other teeth are hurting . i really can't even feel the spacers. unless i bite down.

  28. yea they hurt but there really aint nothing you can do. i have taken 2100mg of ibuprophen today and something to numb it and it hasn't helped a bit. just keep your mouth open and suck it up.

  29. I know what you mean. they hurt soooooo freakin much! i have in right now. but what really helps it whenever you can take advil or any other pain reliveres. Also you should try sucking on a piece of ice of a candy cane or something. Anyway stick with cold stuff because that will evently numb your gums. Otherwise hang in there! But whatever you do DO NOT TAKE THEM OUT! taking them out is very painful and you will just have to get them back in again. so dont take them out. i hope this helped! and i know i have the in too!

  30. OMG ikno how you feel i have spacers in right now! bhut watevr you dnt take them off, it will prolong the process & you'll have to get brand new ones put in! jss keep taknq advil & eating soft foods & before you know it it will all b ovr, my dentist also told me tht warm salt water will hive you some relief also! hope i helpd* :)

  31. Wow, Does cussing make you feel better?

  32. just take them out urself because thats what i did! SO MUCH BETTER. NO MORE PAIN!

  33. i see a snitch at the bottom lol p u s s a y  @ the snitch

  34. I drank hot chocolate the day after i got mine, because they realllly hurt. And it helped alot.but right now, i feel like im going to shoot myself in the head. because they hurt so much, haha.
    Hope you feel better!

  35. I just got mine too... yesterday and it does hurt like c**p!!!!! eat as much as possible.... it dont matter if it hurts it will stop and get better faster if you do... popcicles and if not go get a teething thing for babies...try warm/ hot (whatever is comfortable) salt water swooshing it around...

  36. I just got mine too... yesterday and it does hurt like c**p!!!!! eat as much as possible.... it dont matter if it hurts it will stop and get better faster if you do... popcicles and if not go get a teething thing for babies...try warm/ hot (whatever is comfortable) salt water swooshing it around...

  37. I just got mine too... yesterday and it does hurt like c**p!!!!! eat as much as possible.... it dont matter if it hurts it will stop and get better faster if you do... popcicles and if not go get a teething thing for babies...try warm/ hot (whatever is comfortable) salt water swooshing it around...

  38. hah. I just got them on today and yes, you do sound like a P****. Anyways..just don't think about them and don't bite helps to leave your mouth open. gluck.

  39. omg. i just got  spacers today and now i like cryin so bad it hurts. i thought i was the only person who experianced this. im so glad that im not alone!!!and i just keep playin video games to keep my mind off it! hope you feel better!  and me too.

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