
My Stepson is such a smartallic! What can I as a stepmother do?

by Guest21386  |  earlier

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He is a good kid, he does not get into fights, he does not rob, or theive, or hurt people or animals. He just has a smart mouth! As a stepmom I have limited choices. He can be anything he wants to be but he does not apply himself. I know this, I just need help in the best way to approach it. He is so smart, but he keeps getting the idea (not from us) that he is not worthy!




  1. Personally, coming from a step daughter, if you are a new stepmom it will take time for the son to adapt. also some people natuarally are just smart mouths. I and my dad. you just need to go with the flow in that case. and really help him apply himself. encourage him to do something fun that can really help him succeed. maybe sports?  

  2. I think all kids go through this.  What I think you need to do is to sit down with your husband and your stepson and work out a plan of rewards and what will happen if he sets his cheat up to you

    (remember there is a difference between been funny and setting his cheek up and he might just think hes been funny even though you are taking it a different way so get his side of it as well)

    And then work out the situation together.  You cant do anything on your own and neither can your husband do anything on his own.  You have to show a united front but be flexible and listen to him and try to understand when he is just "been funny" or setting up his cheek up and once you get that, you will have a big part of the problem solved I think

  3. tell ur husband to deal with him

  4. I was raised with a step-father so take the advice from me!!!  There will become a point where the kid wants to rebel, which is what you are seeing now.  Be sure to just be a good and respectable female role-model in his life...eventually, he will grow out of this phase and love and respect you for staying so strong.  He like myself, will probably feel bad for the c**p he gave you, but he's gonna have to grow up and you'll see, as time goes on and he becomes an adult, it will change.  Main thing, stay strong, don't be overly controlling and don't be weak, don't kiss up to this kid, just be a good female role-model.  Let his father take care of the discipline.  Best of will go away eventually, he won't be a teen forever.  

  5. He is going through what most young men go through at a certain age..he is rebelling in a different way...but as you say he is not getting into any other sort of trouble , then you need to be calm, patient, encouraging. No matter much of a smartallic he is ..he also has a good side to always remember this when he starts anything with his the moment you may think he will never get pass all this stuff but believe me he will . I learnt over the years when dealing with my children to try see the funny side of things..when going through the same thing with my son ...I just thought..he hasn't been officially given his brain got me through a lot of stressful times.

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