
My Sugar Glider, Bob?

by  |  earlier

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My pet sugar glider, Bob, has bonded to me and everything. But recently he's been acting a bit peculiar. He's two years old, and I did the whole pouch thing with him - so we generally have a decent relationship, but I don't know what's going on.

He's been jumping on to the ceiling fan and barking, then jumping off. Then he'll jump on it, bark at me, and jump off. He does that for a good hour of his play time.

Does anyone know what's wrong with him or how I could correct the behavior?




  1. I like the above answer - turn the ceiling fan onto the highest setting.

    He'll only try that jumping bit ONE more time.

    This might be a bit messy so you might want to be prepared with something to clean up the sugar glider bits that'll get on the walls and ceiling. I find peroxide gets blood stains out quite well.

    This suggestion will certainly stop his silly behavior.

    Good luck!

  2. Would he stop if you turned the ceiling fan at  higher level?

    Actually, I think he's probably just having fun.  I think it's funny!  I have been laughing hysterically!

  3. gliders bark for different reasons, none of which is to tease another glider.  Let me explain.  Just like a human scream may express vastly different emotions or warning, so it is with the glider bark.  You may scream if someone jumps out and scares you.  So you scream out of fright.  You might also scream if you found a winning lottery ticket in your wallet.  So you scream out of excitement for being able to finally buy that deluxe cage you’ve always wanted!  These are two vastly different emotions, but the sound that comes out is quite similar.

    It seems that the glider bark may be used as a form of warning.  For example, if an intruder enters the glider territory, a scout glider would pass a warning signal to the others.  We feel the bark fits this type of behavior and this is why the other gliders remain motionless.  It is more apparent when you see this in a huge colony setting.  One glider barks, all the others freeze.

    The other reason a glider seems to bark is a call.  Many people have concluded that their glider barks a lot because they are lonely and it’s often the barking that prompts many glider keepers to seek a buddy for their solo pet.  But do not think for a minute that this is going to quiet a frequent barker.

  4. As far as I can see this is a clear case of glider abuse. I don't know where you purchased your poor unfortunate rodent. Probably from a glider mill. I know your type. You say, "Oh, isn't he cute!" and then you bring him home and expect him to adapt to your lifestyle. Any responsible pet owner is willing to entirely change every circumstance of their life in order to afford their pet the optimum existence. If you can't do that then you have no business doing so much as looking at an animal.

    The first thing any decent Sugar Glider owner will do is dedicate the largest room in their home to the animal. Trees must be planted, preferably vine draped trees. A steady source of wild lizards must also be provided. A waterfall is ideal. Rudimentary research will  show you any number of simple ways to give your glider the utopian experience he so richly deserves. You may wish to soundproof this room as well. For his sake, not for your own. The hostility you might express at his natural vocalizations will only serve to further deteriorate his quality of life.  Any decent contractor can provide you with an estimate for this work. Many have engaged in similar projects since, I'm happy to say, most glider owners take their obligations much more seriously than you seem to. Look at the desperate lengths that your poor little dear is forced to go to just to feel some semblance of normalcy in his life.

    If you do not feel capable of embracing the obligation to which you have contracted perhaps you should consider surrendering Bob so that he has the chance to live as he deserves to live. It isn't all about you you know!

  5. ohh thats cute u have a sugar glider can u send me a pik of it plz...that kjut

    anywayz since hes old maby hes going through elder

    and maby hes goten blind so he dosent know its you i dony know how long they may live so idk

    i dont have great expericence in sugars but ur hands may smell unfamiliar maby thats why
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