
My TV screen is green...?

by  |  earlier

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The picture on my TV has way too much green tint. Unfortunately the color/tint/contrast/etc options on the TV don't change anything at all. They don't work. The bars go up and down, but no change. Any ideas what's wrong or how to fix?




  1. Need to know what kind of cables are connected and is it connected to a high definition box. If so you are probably connected with component cables for video(Green,Blue,Red) if these cables are connected wrong then you would have the green tint.

  2. Theres a machine to reset the colors of the tube.  You'll need to take it in to a technician to fix it as it hooks directly to the tube (extremely high voltage), but it is a relatively easy fix.  Not quite sure what the cost is as I mostly used these in college electronics courses.

  3. thats awesome! i would leave it, greens my favorite color! but if you dont, then go to some place and tune it

  4. Depends what kind of TV it is. If its a tube TV then it is going bad and not worth fixing. You need to tell us if its a Tube,  a big screen rear projection TV, LCD or Plasma.

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