
My Teen Bedroom. What should I do?

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Teen Bedroom Decoration: Help Me!!!!!!!!!! Someone!!!!!!!!!!?

I just moved into a new apartment with white walls and dark cherry ( glossy ) floors.

Unfortunately the furniture was already in my room and I have no way of replacing it. light beige ( closet and desk ) my bed is a built in ( as in built into the floor ) double.

I want to add some color to the room to make it more ... funky and creative but i'm scared to buy anything and have it not look good. Do you have any suggestions?

Also about the desk and closet: I want to change the color/ make it look different, but i'm not allowed to paint it. What can I do?

I'm open to ANY suggestions and ideas, and i'm kinda thinking along the lines of a bright orange/red skim.

Thanks in advance! ( The improvement of the furniture is a biggie! )




  1. About the funiture.  I saw some wrapping paper at hallmark that is adhesive.  I was thinking  about buying some and sticking it to my tv stand.  Maybe it will work for you!!!  I also bought some cheap white frames with mattes and put some fun scrapbooking paper into them that matched the comforter!!  Curtains and pillows bring color and you can find colorful desk chairs at any store!!  

  2. this is exactly how my room in hawaii was.

    and as a 19 year old respected girl for her homestyling, i say please do not, in the love of god, put flamboyantly obnoxious colors together in that kind of interior setting.

    so i dont know how old you are, but if you're like 14 or 15, and its all purely for YOUR own space then go with whatever you feel like.

    but for the sake of company, people generally dont enjoy being in spaces cluttered, unnecessarily bright, full of girly pop star stuff, and especially not colors that are inconsistent with eachother.

    if you do go for color i'd suggest a cool light blue color. something like a lighter aqua and maybe silver, going together. if you're going for extra color.

    if furniture is too much of a problem, move it out.

    if you have too much of a problem with the furniture just cover it with a style of sheeting that you like.

    hope everything works out. (:

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