
My Theory 2 ... ??!!?

by  |  earlier

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10 years ago I made a discovery that snakes were precisely the opposite to man in everything - that is, both - anatomically [functionally] and Behaviorally.

As an acute Kinesiologist, I spent the next 9 years working through the evidence and work on snakes of 'natural scientists', and was able to confirm my findings on every single front.

This of course, would basically disprove evolution of the species - particularly the aspect of unguided random mutation!

To me, it would also signify the genius of a deliberating Mastermind Creator who had his reasons for making these 2 opposite like this.

The other question on my mind is:

Do you think that this unique, yet simple, discovery proves the Biblical account of Adam & Eve, wherein it was the very serpent, in fact, that chose to lead Man opposite God, and that when God cursed it, He caused that the changes should epitomize the very opposition that it had shown to God in Man in both - very structure & fundamental behavior??




  1. just stop!!!!! no one agrees with you

  2. Joke?

    If not I can't believe (in fact I don't) you worked on this for nine years. To start with they do share lots of things that other life doesn't..they both breath fish prove Adam and Eve too? They both can't birds prove Adam and Eve too?They both need partners to breed..does asexual life prove Adam and Eve too? ( I could go on..but you get the point)

    Even if you did find something completely opposite to man that wouldn't disprove unguided random need to learn about evolution before trying to disprove it.

  3. Why does this keep getting posted!?!?

  4. how can snakes be the opposite to  homo sapians? they have limbs and a backbone, a central nervous system, and a few breeds birth live young as opposed to eggs. just a question?

  5. Let's see - "precisely the opposite to man in everything"

    Snakes breathe, so am I to assume that man does not?

    Snakes use muscles to move - wait man does that too

    Snakes have a backbone - arguably some men do not

    Methinks it is your theory that is disproven.

    Evolution stands even if snakes do not.

  6. not really as the serpent in the bible is rumored to be based on older tales (like many of the storys in the bible - borrowed from earlier religions) about a demon which had its limbs removed to seal the soul inside.
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