
My Time Machine has become confused, and I travel to and fro at random. Should I get a refund at Walmarts'??

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My Time Machine has become confused, and I travel to and fro at random. Should I get a refund at Walmarts'??




  1. That depends at what time period you are trying to get a refund- Walmarts could argue you haven't yet bought it. However, with time being a fluid entity and your ability to chart across and through it 3 dimensionally- you could argue that you bought it at all points of time in chronological history

  2. No. Time Machines fall under the Electronics devices like game systems and Ipods, which only have a 15 day return, UNOPENED with a reciept. Once you have opened it, you are SOL. Unless you can PROVE it defective. After the 15 days, you must deal with the manufacturer. BUT, if you purchased the 2 year service plan for $98.88, once the mfr. warranty has expired, if it can't be fixed, they replace it. Have a nice day :)

  3. I should sell time on it as mystery tours, you will make a fortune.

  4. What possessed you to by such a sensitive device at Wal-Mart???? Jeez!!! I got mine at Fry's and paid a good penny for it, I even got the extended warranty plan. It has been working like a charm since day one and still going strong 3 years later. Of course I do regular maintenance on it but still, it works great. Of course you should take it back and then hit a store with a better reputation in electronics in your area and pay the extra money for the better machine. You will be happy you did in the long run!!! Happy traveling...maybe we will time!!!

  5. If it's been over 30 days, you'll have to get a store credit or an exchange.  Refund for purchases made with a credit card will be credited back to your account.  A re-stocking fee may apply.  Have a nice day.

  6. absolutely

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