
My Tippmann Alpha Black Paintball Gun is shooting strangely. What's wrong?

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I went to play paintball yesterday, and I noticed I couldn't hit anyone because once the paintball went out of my barrel, it started to fly in a knuckleball pattern, and the paintballs went wherever they wanted to go. Does anyone know what's happening? And if so, how could I fix it?




  1. try adjusting the fps setting. my friends tippman had a really bad left curve and he fixed it using the fps setting.

  2. Accuracy comes from a good paintball and a good paintball to barrel match to where the paintball can be easily blown out of the barrel but not roll out or get stuck.

    If your paintballs have dimples in them, no matter what barrel you are using, the paintballs will curve.

    I have friends with ABT's that have been having great accuracy with Nelsplat and Special Forces Paintballs.

  3. First, the aplha black stock barrel isn't very good, buy an upgrade one and you will notice a major upgrade. What kind of paintballs were you using? if you had old paintballs with dents in them that can cause them to curve. And lastly clean the inside of your barrel, and clean your internals of your gun incase a ball broke in there.

  4. The Alpha Black's stock barrel is pretty good for a stock barrel.

    So if you dont have extra money to spend, dont feel like you have to buy a new barrel.

    The most important thing to do for accuracy is match up the bore size of your barrel and the paintballs. You can find charts online to tell you which paintballs will match up with your size barrel (not length).

    if you tell me the bore size of the barrel i can tell you what kind of paintballs to use.

  5. steve is right. also be sure your barrel is clea. some paintballs are irregular in shape, thatllmess you up too.

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