
My Toddler Scraped Her Face?

by  |  earlier

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Wednesday, when my daughter was napping, she inadvertantly scraped her face with a fingernail (twice). When my husband and I noticed, we promptly clipped the offending fingernail and washed her cut with a little soft soap. Today, when she woke up, I noticed she has a red bump about a pencil eraser's diameter near the cut. Obviously if the area starts weeping or pussing I'm going to take her to the doctor, but is there anything I should be doing besides keeping her hands very clean and washing the area with a little bit of Softsoap to keep any infection at bay? Does this sound like an infection? The area is not hot to the touch, and like I said, not yet weeping or pussing. Any advice would be appreciated, thanks! Oh, and I'm hesitant to put any neosporin on it because it is about 1/4 inch from her eye. Thanks again!




  1. put some neosporin on the cut, it will prevent the infection.

    and neosporin doesnt move if you rub it in, it wont get in her eye. dont worrry, even if it does, it wont hurt.

  2. if its hard, red and swollen around the bump its probably staph. I work at a day care center and I knew that a child there had staph before there parents went to the doctors and I was right. I would get it looked at just to be safe. especially if its staph if you wait too long they will have to cut her open and let it drain out. the little girl at the day care had one by her butt and they cut a 1/2 in into her about 1/4 in deep and just left it open they didnt stich it up or anything. so if you dont want this to happen I would take her in just to be safe. its something I would never want to see anyone go threw.  good luck and I hope its not staph  

  3. sound like a bug bite. would explain the wanting to scratch.

  4. Hun. You NEED to calm down. It's hot because the cut is healing. Babies scratch themselves all  the time. And children get hurt ALL THE TIME. The bump could be a bug bite and that's why she started scratching . As long as you're not letting her roll around in garbage or dirt, she'll be fine.

  5. Get some polysporin and Bactine spray and keep them on hand, you'll need them for all the nicks and scrapes they get.    

    In this particular case, the Polysporin is the thing to use.   It won't sting and will nip any possible infections in the bud before they can get a foot hold.

  6. just keep her clean and keep an eye on it.  Are you sure it was her nails that did the scratching or an insect bite that caused her to scratch it or even an animal scratch ???

  7. Put a little drop of sudo cream on the scratch.

  8. it sounds infected. well keep washing it, and that'ss all you can do until she goes to the doctor.  

  9. She probably hit her face with her fingernail again put socks on her hands thats what my cousin did to her baby.

  10. because the babys skin is very tender the reaction to the soap may seem harsh an as a result her cells reacted how ever it is kind of hard to monitor a  babys touch and holds lol so the best theing to do is terilize as much as you can wash her ahnds ans wipe them with anit bacterial wipes and check a doctor to have a solid final answer towards the babys reaction

  11. Wow, if I freaked out every time my son scraped himself I'd be a nervous wreck all the time.  Have faith in her body's ability to protect itself to some extent.  If it becomes feverish, then call the doc.  Otherwise just be patient.  My son scrapes himself all the time with his nails even with my best efforts to keep them short.  

  12. Dial soap is very good antibacterial soap.

    I would put some triple ointment on it, and then put some bandaids on it.

  13. Keep a close eye on this because it sounds like a staph infection. That is usually how it looks when it begins.

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