
My Tomatoes Are Being Ruined By What?

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I just pulled a green tomato off my plant. At the bottom, the bud end, there is this brown spot around a half an inch slit like thing. Otherwise it looks fine. The entire tomato is rotten through. What is this? Is it a bug or what? I remember a few years ago I lost all my tomatoes from this. I live in Massachusetts if it makes a different. Does anyone know what this is? What can I do?




  1. Grubs eat roots and crowns of plants so- not that.  Most likely you're watering too much and the result is a root/fruit fungus.   Pick those tomatoes seemingly infected and throw away.  Tomatoes don't like alot of water or wet soil conditions.  Let these plants and the soil dry out between waterings (3-6 days)

    Oh RAIN?  Sorry, you won't have success with tomatoes if you have rain.  Obviously, you can't control watering with rain in the equation.

    Good Luck

  2. this sounds like blossom end rot. It is caused by variations in watering. Sometimes wet, sometimes dry. There really isn't anything you can do about it, except keep the watering consistent. I know that is hard to do when it rains all the time, or not at all.

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