
My Trees bothering the neighbors?

by Guest62935  |  earlier

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I have a number of large trees on my property that are overhanging the neighbor's property.

One tree overhangs part of his roof and 2 trees overhang his backyard. He has recently complained to me about it.

My question is - who's responsibility is the pruning of these trees? Am I legally responsible, morally responsible, or not responsible at all?




  1. I have a neighbor with a Magnolia tree that deposits its' thick,leathery leaves all over and fills up my cans. I suppose if I took it to the Supreme Court he would be found liable for the deposit, nontheless we agreed that I could prune anything on my side of the fence,entirely legal also,regardless of what he may think. In the interest of harmony it is best to agree on a certain and fair strategy- allow them to cut,help them to or do it yourself. Judges tend to frown on petty disputes and may swing either way.----YES, YOU ARE MORALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR PRUNING THEM-THEY ARE YOURS,WHO ELSE WOULD YOU HAVE BE "MORALLY" RESPONSIBLE? Who, morally, owns your property?

  2. Just trim them already are let him but then you can't complain if he whacks the h**l out of it.

  3. well in my opinion if the tree is in your yard, you are the one who must have it taken care of. i had the same problem with my neithbors pecan tree it was always dropping limbs in my yard and messing up my flower beds, so i would throw the limbs back over into her yard, after a while she took the hint.

  4. I don't know but the trees in my neighbors yard is doing same thing and I can't grow grass it only grows on 1 side the side where the sun shines,the tree causes my grass not to grow,if you can't afford to cut it down set the tree on fire ,burn it down to the ground.It cost alot  a wholeeeeeeeee lot to cut down cheaper to burn it down.

  5. The laws are very different in each state.  If you have legal concerns, this is not the right place to be asking.  Check with your city or other legal jurisdiction.

  6. I believe you are the one responsible because it is your tree.  He can prune it if he wants to since it is coming into his yard.  There have been people on here where part of their tree that was in the neighbors yard fell onto the neighbor's house.  That's a whole new set of problems.  Tell him you'll take care of it - it's always best to keep the neighbors happy.

  7. why dont you ask him if he will pay half the cost of cutting it down and you pay the other half

  8. Law are diff. in each state. Be aware in the case of a limb falling onto their house from a storm or something. Depends on the state, but I know many places you will be liable b/c it is your tree. I would have it trimmed for your sake.

  9. I think you should prune the trees.  If they're overhanging into his property he may trim them, but be a good neighbor and get them pruned.

  10. I think you are morally obligated to trim them from his roof area, but he is legally allowed to do it as well. They should never have been let grow that far.

  11. Hi Chixx,

    I saw a story on a nation news program a few months ago about two neighbors arguing over a tree in one man's yard that blocked the solar panels on the other man's house.  The "shady" neighbor had to top his trees to give the "sunny" guy free rays from the sun, after a long and expensive court battle.  Don't know if a precedent set for all states, but I'd say "cut" your losses now. :)

  12. Help him prune the branches away from his roof, that's fair.  Otherwise, s***w that guy.  Boo-hoo, the leaves are falling, the tree is shading his chemical glutton of a lawn, a few twigs fall here-and-there!  Boo-hoo-hoo.

    Who enjoys breathing the clean air that those trees provide?  We all do!

  13. If the tree is encroaching into his yard, he can prune whatever extends into it, even if the tree is on your property.  Tell him to prune it himself.

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