
My Triplets Are Coming Tonight and I Need Names..Help!?

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I'm reposting my last question in hopes of more answers.

So if you read my question about if you've ever heard about find a third baby after 37wks then you know I need help with names again! :(

here's the link to that last question if ya wanna read it;...

Okay so We really don't want the babies names to rhyme at all now that we know the genders and that there is 3!

But I answered a question and said I thought the name Cecilia Isabelle was cute and the nickname Ceci Belle was cute...well now I'm kinda attached to that name.What do you think? Or Cecilia Renee' or something?

So here is some we are leaning towards..We did find out we are having 2 girls and 1 boy


Cecilia Isabelle

Cecilia Renee'(my middle)

Cecilia Victoria(My name)

Addison Rae

Carlie Elizabeth

Clara Marie

Hannah Joy

Madeline Victoria


Liam Ronald(We like it alot..he would be named after daddy and someone else important)

Landon Lee

Joel Scott

We do kinda want a biblical name for the boy b/c we love Bible Baby Names.

We already have twins a boy and a girl Angela Faith & Joshua Brooks

So of course we don't wanna use those names. Last name will be Horner feel free to suggest names too!


* 46 minutes ago

* - 3 days left to answer.

Additional Details

18 minutes ago

I do kinda like both girls having one of my names but don't u think my older daughter Angela will feel left out..She's already named after her kinda grandma but what do you think? plus I have 2 middle names so u could incorporate Ashlee if ya wanna

Ok So we are heading off to the hospital My doctor is thinking I'm in labor I am taking my laptop so i will keep you posted if all goes well he said we will have 3 babies by midnight he's gonna do a c-section..and today is my moms cute!




  1. i like Cecilia Renee-Carlie Elizabeth and Liam Ronald

    wat about..

    Madison Gray horner

    Kyla Victoria horner

    Landon Scott horner

  2. I like the names your'e looking at but i think that Ciera,Leah and Jayln or Jayden would be cool. :) mail me so i can see what you called them :)

  3. i like clara marie, but all those names are so pretty! haha maybe you should just say those names when they are born and whoever cries to the name will get it.

    good-luck and best wishes!

  4. i really like Madeline Victoria, and you can call her maddy. I like the name you already picked out for the other girl (Cecilia Isabelle). I also like the name Chloe which is in the bible

    for a boy i like the name Sion, Liam, Jayden, Aiden, and Riley (these are all bible names)

    and i don't think your older daughter would mind at all.

    good luck hope everything went well

  5. cecelia isabelle

    madeline victoria

    landon lee

    that's just my personal oppinion but they're all nice, best of luck!

  6. hannah joy and scott london  

  7. Cecilia Renee and Cecilia Victoria are both gorgeous. Hannah is nice too; but only if paired with a proper middle name.

    Liam Ronald is great. Landon is nice, but not with the filler Lee.  

  8. wow i cant believe twins and now triplets

    I like the name Colleen to go with Cecelia.  I think Elizabeth is a nice middle name.

    for  the boy Noah Colin

  9. Congrats and Good luck! The names I like the best are:

    Carlie Elizabeth

    Madeline Victoria

    Joel Scott

  10. Cecillia Victoria - Beautiful Name. Nickname Ceci.

    Hannah Joy

    Madeline Elizabeth

    Liam Ronald - I would make his full name William and nickname him Liam if you want.

    Landon Lee

    Lucas Scott - Do you like the name Lucas?

    Good Luck!

    Other Suggestions:


    Leah Hope

    Grace Elizabeth

    Kiersten Faith

    Cara Grace

    Ella May


    Daniel Scott

    Deacon William

    Emmett James

    Wyatt Scott

    Jason Ronald

    Levi William

    The middle names are just random, didn't put too much thought into them. Put family names or ones you like instead =)


    Also, in another one of your questions I accused you of making up your story. If you did have triplets I am very sorry for what I said. I regret it and apologize. I'm still not completely convinced the babies are yours, because of their size, they don't look alike, and the pictures seem too professional. However, if you truly did give birth I wish you the best of luck and am very sorry about my comment.

    Best Wishes

  11. That's exciting!

    My favourites are

    Cecilia Renee'

    Clara Marie

    but Cecilia and Clara might be a bit too similar, I also like Madeline Victoria

    I like Landon Lee, Liam Ronald is a really nice name but Liam is a really common name for boys at the moment so I guess it depends if that bothers you or not.

    Good luck!


  12. I really like:

    Clara Isabelle - The name Clara is incredibly beautiful. It's a classic name with old-fashioned charm. It flows very well with the name Isabelle.

    Madeline Victoria - If you wanted this name to have a French twist (like Clara Isabelle) you could use the name Madeline Victoire (Victoire is pronounced veek-TWAWR). The name Madeline Victoria fits in well with the names of your other children. It's a very pretty, classic name that flows quite well.

    Liam Ronald - I prefer the name William Ronald, with Liam as a nickname. Liam Scott also sounds quite good. However, Liam Ronald sounds like a nice, handsome name combination, and I like how it sounds with the other names you've chosen. The family connection makes the name even more significant, which adds to my liking of the name.

  13. I would choose: Cecilia Isabelle, Hannah Joy and Joel Scott.

    Good luck with everything and Congratulation!

  14. Carlie Elizabeth

    Liam Ronald

    My daughter's name is Karli same name just spelled different and I love it.  It is not overly popular and adorable at the same time.  Good luck hun!

  15. Cecilia Isabella

    Madeline Victoria

    Liam Ronald

    Congrads! Beautiful names

  16. I like boy- Liam Jacob-or the Liam Ronald that you prefer- other bible names I love is Calab or Noah or Jona pro. Jo na       girls-Carlie Ashlee or Addison Renee. lol with babies hope all go's well for you and baby's. Your A brave brave woman.

  17. oooooooh i like the angela faith and joshua brooks and wither addison or carlie and spell addison different like addeson or addyson or adyson adison u no!!! my name is destinee a little different

  18. I choose Cecilia Isabelle and Madeline Victoria. I think those names are beautiful and sophisticated. I would recommend not using Addison because it's trendy and doesn't hold a candle to your other choices. For the boy I chose Liam Ronald, I think the name is adorable and has a family connection.  

  19. All your names are lovely but was I the one having the babies, I wouls pick first  Madeline Victoria and Addison Rae and the boy Liam Ronald. Good luck with the babies. I can't believe they are letting you go through labor with triplets. Usually they have moms get a c section. Good luck.


    Cecilia Isabelle

    Cecilia Renee'(my middle)

    Cecilia Victoria(My name)

    Addison Rae

    Carlie Elizabeth

    Clara Marie

    Hannah Joy

    Madeline Victoria


    Liam Ronald(We like it alot..he would be named after daddy and someone else important)

    Landon Lee

    Joel Scott

  20. Cecilia Isabelle

    Addison Renee'

    Liam Ronald

  21. Oh, congratulations on your triplets! (And twins, too? Wow!)

    Cecilia Isabelle is very cute. Especially Ceci Belle!

    I love the name Landon and the name Scott. Landon Scott goes together very well and is a very nice name, but if you want the name to have significance, Liam Ronald is also a very nice name :)

    Other names for the baby girls... (they contain at least one biblical name)

    Rachel Ayah Horner

    Ava Renee Horner

    Abigail Joy Horner

    Sarah Bethany Horner

    Candace Marie Horner

    Chloe Anne Horner

    Elisabeth Delilah Horner

    Leah Isabella Horner

    Boy names:

    Benjamin Michael Horner

    Noah Matthew Horner

    I don't think Angela will feel left out. She is named after grandma after all! Just explain to her that her name is very special too:)

    Congrats, again!

  22. i really love clara marie, carlie elizabeth, and hannah joy. i like all the boys names a lot, so i think you should go with the first one since you like it so much and it has meaning to you.


  23. Hannah Joy

    Clara Marie

    Liam Ronald

    My favorites!  

  24. My vote

    Cecilia Isabelle,Clara Marie, Liam Ronald

    CeCe Belle is cute.  But you so have to honor your Mom on her b-day,if they are born before midnight.

    Good luck

  25. My fav's are

    Cecilia Isabelle

    Clara Marie

  26. Cecilia Isabelle

    Elizabeth Madeline

    Liam Ronald

  27. cecilia isabelle

    madeline rae

    and for the boy

    Liam Lee sounds better

  28. For Girls-Madison Renee'

    Madeline Victoria

    Boy- Jacob Scott

    I hope all is well, and that this helps.

  29. Girls:

    Cecilia Isabelle

    Cecilia Renee'(my middle)

    Cecilia Victoria(My name)

    Addison Rae

    Hannah Joy

    Madeline Victoria


    Liam Ronald(We like it alot..he would be named after daddy and someone else important)

    Landon Lee

    Joel Scott

    or Joel Landon???

    the names are pretty good though.

  30. Angela Faith Horner

    Joshua Brooks Horner

    Cecilia Renée Horner [Cee/Ceci/Celia/Lia]

    Hanna Ashley Horner

    Liam Aaron

    Hope it helps =) Congrats

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