
My Uncle left me some money but I have not received it-he's been gone for over a year?

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Ok guys this is a complicated one so bare with me ok?

My Uncle died about a year ago and I know he left 3 thousand pounds to me in his will,I know he opened an account for me when I was a child but I have no idea where the account is held etc

My problem is my Uncles Wife has since passed away and everything is in My Aunts sisters hands but she hasnt said anything to me about any money etc thats been left to me although everyone keeps telling me my uncle left money for me etc etc I have no idea if he left this money in his will or not,I wouldnt of thaught so as he opened this account specifically in my name and I was to be given the details of everything after he had passed. Now I want you to understand I am not after money attall but I am just wondering if this sister of my aunts could of taken the money or something out of my account? Plus is there any way of me tracing my account? I only have word of mouth that there is money if she says no theres no way I can debate it.




  1. talk to them.

  2. the only way your going to get the information is by asking them,if you go through other ways you may risk looking like a gold digger.

    my grandfather died may 2006 he left £5000 to me in his will i got the money Feb 2008 so these things can take time,theres a lot of legal issues that need to be resolved before any money can be deposited.if the money is in your name then its legally yours and your aunts sister cant deposit it herself. If the money exists then you will receive it sooner or later dont worry.

  3. if theres no written proof he left u 3,000 i doubt ul be getting it , sorry

  4. You can get a copy of the Will from if the personal representative applied for a grant of representation. This would confirm the terms of any entitlement.

    Your legacy under the Will should be in addition to any account opened in your name.

  5. Hi,have you asked your Uncles sister in law.I would tell her you have been told your uncle put money away in a bank account for you.

    If the account is in your name your uncles sister in law will not

    be able to touch the money.

    Good Luck

  6. Contact a Solicitor, if you pick the right one you should get the first half hour free.

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