
My VSX-D411 Audio/video Receiver says "amp err" when I turn it on then it turns off. It worked good yesterday

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Does anyone know what that means and how to fix it? Thanks, Sonny




  1. Amp error means one of two things.  You either have something as simple as speaker wires touching others in the back; or you just fried your amp.  When you attempt to turn it on, followed by a click.  It means you either lost an amp or blew a power supply.  Repairs are 175$  By a new one dude!  I sell those things for a living.

  2. Hello Sonny,

    Sounds like your receiver is going into "protect" mode.  It will do this when there is a short-circuit somewhere in the system.  The first place to check is your speaker wires.  Carefully unhook then rehook all the speaker wires at both the speaker and the receiver ends.  Check to make sure no single strands of wire are crossing over to the other connector.  This will probably fix your problem.

  3. 1. unplug receiver for 2 minutes and plug it back in to reset it.

    if that doesn't help

    2. disconnect ALL speaker wires and power up receiver

    if it comes on and doesn't show the error, plug in your wires one by one and turn the power on each time. When you get to the wire that causes an error, disconnect the wire from the speaker, but leave it plugged into your receiver. If you don't have an error, your speaker is shorted. If you still have an error, there is a problem with the wire.

    If the receiver still shows an error with all speaker wires detached

    3. Seek professional help. (not for you, for your receiver)

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