
My WASR rifle is spot on, BUT once in a blue moon I get a misfeed round jammed in the chamber.?

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The loading ramp looks smooth, but the tip on the round is catching and not into place. I know people are split on these rifles but I'm happy with mine. If I can clear up this problem it will be flawless. I've keep it spotless since day one.




  1. This is typical with hollow points.  If you are using hollow points,  try some full metal jacket once and see if it goes away, it probably will.  If you want to keep using hollow points then you may need to reprofile the ramp a little with some needle files (just a very little bit).  

    If you are having the problem with full metal jacket ammunition, try some different magazines.  The problem could be cause by several things.  Irregularities in the feed lips could cause this, trying diffferent mags will help isolate this.  If it goes away, its a magazine issue, you could try repairing a magazine, but it would be best to set it aside fo parts unless you or someone else knows how to work on magazines.  If it continues with new different magazines try another type of ammunition; Wolf, Barnual and Golden Tiger would all be good choices. If the problem goes away, stick to the new brand of ammo.  If it persists, then you may need to still reprofile the feed ramp a little with needle files (again only very little filing would be needed).

  2. A once in a blue moon fail to feed isnt unusual with this rifle.... I own a Romanian WASR also and generaly it performs flawlessly.... All the semi-auto rifles I own or have ever owned have a fail to feed, fail to fire or fail to eject now and then.... If this happens once every 3 or 4 magazines I really wouldnt worry about it.... The only time its a safety issue is if your in the military. Then it has to work flawlessly......

  3. well, as a few simple things to check:

    clean your extractor.  if you are running dirty ammo that can gum it up and you'll occasionally get fte's

    check your mag lips.  if they are damaged the round could feed funny into the chamber.

  4. To trouble shoot I would suggest trying different types of ammo and mags.

    I have a MAK-90 and I have one mag that will cause it to jam and chop the noses on rounds once and a while.

    When I stopped using that mag I had no more stoppages.

    Hope this helps


  5. you have two choices: Buy higher quality ammo, or trade in the Romanian for a milled-receiver rifle. My  Bulgarian SLR 95 has jammed once out of 1000 rounds, and then only because of "bump-firing." I'm ex military so put all newbie fears to rest and happy  shooting.

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