
My Washing Machine has a mind of its own!!?

by  |  earlier

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The washing machine was left in the house I just rented... and we tried to do a test run ( empty) to see if it worked... Well it made it just fine to the rinse cycle and then STOPPED only to start up again and finish off the cycle MUCH LATER that night.... The next day we tried a second test run to have it make it to the SPIN cycle and STOP... only to again several hours later start up again on its own and finish off..... HELP !!! We have been told it might be the TIMER... any ideas.... at this point Im thinking its Possessed!




  1. Your timer is not counting out time properly or power to it is being interupted... no big secret here possessions about it.

    But you could shoot for the exorcist anyhow and see if that will cause your whites to be whiter....and get those nasty grass stains out.

  2. The motor is probably getting hot and shutting down on overload. Later when it cools off it runs some more. Bad motor most likely,why do you think the previous peeps left it there?

  3. Timer or nob that controls what it does at the moment, see what the cost would be to get it fixed and find out if it is cheaper to buy a new one or to get it fixed. Good Luck

  4. If you consider that your washing machine is possessed, you can take it to a mendicant (healer). If you otherwise consider that it has some mechanical problem, take it to a service shop and tell them the exact problem. For me also it looks that there is some timer problem only.

  5. Sounds like it is the timer. Contact your landlord and speak with them about it. Since you're renting, it's their responsibility to get it fixed.

  6. You gave very good information and here is the right answer. The cold water valve is blocked up and filling the machine very slow, in rinse the washer only uses cold water and how fast the water comes in will be how long the washer takes to finish a cycle. Is there screen in the cold hose that need to be cleaned, or just replace the water valve in the washer.

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