
My White cloud minnows are disappearing!

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I had 8 white cloude minnows, with 2 coryadora, 4 clown loaches (young), 5 mollies,6 swordtails, 3 neons, 5 black widow tetra and one golden sucking loach. I now have 6 minnows no sighn of bodies but I looked at the mouth of one which looked to have white on it so treated for cotton mouth with esha 2000, does anyone know if any of these fish could be picking my minnows off.

If so will it be safe once treated to put in with fry that are larger than their mouths, mollies and swordtails. I have 3 tanks. Thanks for any info:(




  1. the loaches are dinning on them !

  2. the sucking loach maby eating them

    wcmm prefer cooler waters and can be kept in tropical they just wont live as long

  3. I would suspect the fish are either dying naturally and the other fish are eating the bodies, a body wouldn't last long with loaches and corys and that sucking loach around.


    That "golden sucking loach" is a chinese algae eater, a vicious little bugger as it matures and should only be kept in a species tank. They are known for picking off small sickly fish or sucking on the slimecoat/removing eyeballs of larger fish. Rehome him.

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