
My Wife Dreaming of Having s*x With Other men...?

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My wife is very good looking girl and she is only 22yr old I'm 33yr not so good looking. She also have a very high paying job, she gets her way in alot times just 'cause of her looks I know she loves me but lately I have been taking Zoloft and I can't have s*x and we only been having s*x 2wice a mo last 4mo and she says she dreams of making love with somone she doesn't even know 'cause is being 4ever since we made love. I know is just a dream but do you think she is cheating or thinking off??




  1. She probably isn't cheating but she sure is enjoying having dreams about cheating since she isn't being satisfied sexually at home.

  2. i'd start taking Viagra pal

  3. We can't control what we dream about but i don't see the need for her to tell you. Maybe she likes you to feel a bit jelous.

  4. you are an idiot if you do nothing.  get off the meds and bang your wife.  a girl her age needs it.  

    if you don't, it's just a matter of time before she is banging someone else, if she isn't already.  the fact that she told you about this dream makes it obvious that she wants you straighten up1

  5. well I know this is strange but my wife did the same thing she wanted to just see what it would be like to have s*x with another dude so I set it up and she got it out of her system and we went on with our lives and i know this does not work for everyone but in our case I was  a one time deal and she never said another word about it.

  6. As long as they are just dreams then I don't think you have a problem.  But you recognize that you are not satisfying her, and that can lead to problems at some point, so see your doctor on what alternatives you have to the Zoloft.

  7. I dont think so.. i think shes just thirsty for s*x.. and really wants to do it with u.. shes probably dropping hints..  

  8. Go and GET OFF THE ZOLOFT Before She leaves You!!

  9. That is your wife, tell her you'll get a divorce

    and she can make her dreams come true.

    She does not know how to have a relationship this woman.

  10. you need to have s*x with her .. go to the dr and get whatever it is you need to help you do that but you need to hurry up and get it done ..before she does cheat on you ...  

  11. I don't think your wife is cheating. In fact, she may not even be having these dreams. She may be faking the dreams in order to get you to have s*x with her. She's blackmailing you into it. But the thing that bothers me most is that you are taking zoloft for depression and your wife goes and tells you she dreams of making love to another man? What kind of a person would do that? That's saddening and sick. It isn't your fault that you can't preform. She's asking you for something you obviously are incapable of giving her. She should care for you more instead of her s*x life. No, is the answer, I don't think she's cheating but she sounds like a horrible person!

  12. It's just a fantasy, we all have fantasy's  

  13. Tom, Tom, Tom......R U telling me YOU never think of other women?

    At least she is being open to you....she is talking about it.....if she was being naughty....she would never tell you those things.

    A woman needs alot of attention.....Tom, you need to give her some does not mean s*x only......there is foot massages, dinner out, backrubs, flowers, open talking ONE on ONE.

    I think you're safe.....she just wants some communication. She may have brought this up because you are ignoring her too much. If she is high maintenance, you'll have to GIVE HER the royal only get out of a marrage what you put in.

    My Motto is.... "NEVER stop dating her....and.....WORK as hard to keep her as you did to WIN her and you'll never lose her.

    That's the best Grampa has for you....I hope I helped Tom !

  14. honestly it depends on what type of person she is.i got married at age 19  and i have been married 8 years now. my husband is gone a lot because of his job and i have never cheated on him but i do have fantasies and dreams.she is young so it is normal to fantasize and dream.maybe you can pleasure her in other ways,rent some p**n or just stop taking that junk and you will see that your s*x life will get back to s*x is way better than any drug even zoloft  

  15. You need to have s*x with your wife, whether you like it or not. If you don't, you WILL lose her.

  16. She could just simply be imagining.  My fiance is overseas...and I fantasize about other men.  Nobody real....usually fantasy men.  But I have remained faithful and he has been gone almost a yr

  17. So you have never ever dreamt of having s*x with another woman other than your wife or the person you were with at the time?  It's only a dream, fantasy, let her have that.  I understand your reasons for not having s*x more often but she is expressing herself in her dreams.  She has not told you she wants to sleep with other guys right?  I would be more worried if she didn't tell you about the dreams but she did which means she also realizes it is just fantasy.  Talk to your dr. about your medication and talk to your wife.  There are other things she and you can do to pleasure each other.  Good luck.

  18. That's funny. My husband started having dreams that I was having s*x with other men. Then it turned into a fantasy for him. Why not indulge her fantasies a little. Ask her what they looked like. Ask her what color they are. Ask how "big" they were down there. Have fun with it. She might get all wet while telling you about it.

  19. Yes, she is thinking of it.

    From the description, she always get her way,

    then I think she is getting "it".

    And not frm you.

  20. As with most relationships today she is in control. With her having a good job and being attractive she obviously has the upper hand. The fact you are unable to have s*x with her only tilts the scale more in her favor. If something doesn't change the relationship will end on her terms and she will find another. Plenty of suitors are probably near...

  21. Nope, don't trip.  When i don't have as much s*x as i do, then i have dreams and it's with unknown people. So, it's just because she wants to have s*x, so i doubt she is cheating on you because if she was haveing s*x behind your back then she wouldnt be having these dreams.

  22. join her it might be fun

  23. Emotional cheating is normal at this age.  I am 21 married and love my husband.  Sometimes he isn't in my dreams and it has nothing to do with not being satisfied.  If your having issues because of the Zoloft that doesn't mean you cant help her out.. you know/

  24. Wow, small wonder you need Zoloft.  

  25. well first that is very inconsiderate of her to say such a thing. I would say that she's probably not cheating on you because if she was she wouldn't purposely put the thought of it in your head. But, she may be considering it. i'm 22 and cannot imagine being married at such a young age.!  She should be there for you trying to help you get better and off the zoloft..

    So try talking to her about it and if that doesn't work just watch for signs


    is her phone locked or always on silent?

    has she been out more frequently or later than normal?

    If so check cell phone/creditcard records and see if she's talking to the same person a lot and if she is making any unusual charges.

    But just prepare yourself... in my experience when it gets to the point where you are snooping you usually find something that will upset you.

    Best of luck

  26. Dont you ever dream of having s*x with other women?

    I know i do, but that doesnt mean im cheating or even thinking of it.

    Take her shopping for some s*x toys, and use them together.

  27. better start trying harder.

  28. if you can't physically have s*x with her all the time then buy a vibrating d***o and use it on her. She's guaranteed to love it.

  29. Controversial topics like that depends on the people in the relationship. A lot of people would see that as wanting to stray and most guys would feel offended. Chances are....since the s*x life is dwindling, she is wanting to spice it up (even if that means going elsewhere).  If I said that to my husband, first of all..I wouldn't say "making love" because that is something that should be reserved for you and your spouse. I would at least have the decency to say "have s*x." The fact that she would even tell you this shows that you're both very open minded people. If  you don't mind her experimenting with someone else, try suggesting another woman in a threesome to pick up your (can't help) slack. A lot of couples who invite another woman in the picture (together) don't really consider it as cheating, just another s*x toy. I could completely understand if you don't want her being with another man. Because it could just start with one little fling and then turn into cheating behind your back. Not to mention its really cheating anyway.  And you should tell her up front if you don't approve. Ask her want else you can do in oral or foreplay that can make up for what your medicine's holding you back on. They make any and every s*x toy you could ever think of and more. And sad to say, some toys feel better than the real thing.

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