
My Wife is concerned why her belly is small at 35 weeks and baby doesnt move much?

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is this a normal thing, she went to the doc and they said her belly measures fine ..but she is still worried




  1. Like everyone said there no need to worry..the baby is getting really big now and it is normal for the baby not to be moving as much because there is so little space now but when the baby does move she's gonna hate it cuz she could really feel it but everyone is different and every baby is different.... I think you should trust your doctor or just ask more questions if your wife is still concerned

  2. If her doc hasnt said anything about the size of her belly then she should not worry about that. I am 6 mth and look 8. My friend is 7 mth and looks 3!  Every woman is different.

    As far as baby not moving very much- it is becuase he or she is running out of room at this point.  Your baby is getting bigger and bigger.  Less activity during the third trimester is completley normal- but please talk to your doc as well, you, your wife and the doc know your baby better than anyone else

    Have Fun Daddy!

  3. If the doctor isn't worried about it, she shouldn't be. Has she discussed with the doctor about the fetal movement? At 35 weeks baby should be moving like crazy, she should be feeling lots of movement.

    Other than the movement, I can't think of why she would be worried about the measurement when the doc says it fine!

  4. If her belly is measuring fine, I would tell her not to worry!

  5. If she is measuring fine everything is fine. As for movements it is very normal at that point to feel less fetal movement - the baby is running out of room! Did she feel more movement in the 24 to 32 week period? What she is experiencing is not unusual.  

  6. My belly was small relative to my body late into my pregnancy, but my uterus was measuring fine. So if your wife is measuring fine, I am sure everything is OK. As far as the baby not moving 35 weeks, the baby barely has any room to move. Most mothers experience a decrease in movement sometime in the middle of the 3rd trimester. It is nothing to worry about. If the doctor is not worried, you should not worry either, but that is easier said than done!

  7. Everyone carries different, she is probably just carrying more compactly. While other pregnant women she sees are carrying lower and out more.

    She needs to time herself twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. Tell her to lay down and every time she feels the baby moves note the time, if she doesn't feel the baby move 10 times in an hour then she needs to call her doctor and let them know what is going on.

    Also, at 35 weeks the baby is much bigger and it is more difficult for them to move around like they have been the past 10 weeks or so. She probably has nothing to worry about.

    Good Luck!

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