
My Wife is insecure for me always ,she goes wild even if i c any girl by mistake while walking on street

by Guest61982  |  earlier

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Let me tell u we know each other from last 8years and married from last one year. We love each other and i am so caring for her since i met her .Within the first year of our meeting some incedents happend where i was immature from my part where i talked to other girls in front of her and forgot that her presance was more important for me, i didnt do it purposefully.sooner i realised it and asked her to apologise me for it.

After that incedent she changed her behaviour and every time i come across or c any girl by mistake even while walking on street she goes wild and then she dont talk to me which make me worse.I loose temper and we shout at each other and it goes h**l, it kills me every moment whenever she fights coz of girls whome we hardly know .I just can tolarate her behaviour becose i have done so much for her and her currier . After all this we got happyly married and happy most of the times, but the fact is i cant go to GYM coz shes insecure as girls could be there , i cant go out alone , she feel insecure even when she meets any of her female relative in front of me .she cant even talarate me watching a women driving in front of me while i am driving.Even watching TV where girls hosting the shows. she always watch my eyes when we r out coz she is doubting on my eyes .

Let me tell more..

she is 3years 6month elder to me which is not visible is someone c her shes beautiful and young , but i never made her realise our age gap as its not important for me but i dout she is insecure coz of that too as i am in younger to her ..

she is ambitious and looking forward for her bright future which is about to start soon as she compleated her higer studies ,i pray god she might be normal as soon as shes on job.

I am a loyal person to her before and now , i have never cheated her back.but i c couples these days r more mature and treat each other comfertably by having healty relations. No matter how much i compliment her beauty she dont trust my eyes at all,

I dont want to loose her and love her so much but will she ever feel secure and we will walk free on streets without any doubts?




  1. she's got major problems and needs to do something about it before she chases you away. Its human nature to look and talk to the opposite s*x, its impossible in life not too, touching the opposite s*x is where a problem lays but not looking or talking.

  2. Well this is a problem that normally happen to alot of girls out there, it would happen to me too.. just think of it this way, if you were walking down the street and say your girlfriend looking at a bunch of guys instead of you how would you feel? You would be pretty jelous .. its called jelousy and its perfectly normal , the age factor for me really doesnt count that much.. but try to be on her side more often mabye she just doesnt want love, mabye she wants a freind too? Try sitting down with her , and letting out all of the things in your mind about her.. tell her how it feels when she thinks your a bad perosn when your not , and that you love her, and would never go for anyone else... You have to clear the missunderstanding beetween you two before its gets even wrser.another thing would be to try staying inside for a bit, dont go out, and unitl she feels comfortable to say lets go out for dinner then go..shes sooon goign to feel anxiuos, and want to go outside.. thats when you show her that your the man that she wants

  3. She's got major insecurity issues. Talk to her about them (without yelling). Let her know that if you didn't love her alone, you wouldn't be with her.  

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