
My Wifes' body is so....?

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I see these Dove ads of plus size women and they are running the commercial with the little girl under so much pressure from staring at all the "s**y" model ads. ---Have you ever wondered about some kind of double standard why are there no "real men" on the cover of romance novels(the "real women" have fantasies about the men in these novels) with some sub-title like "not every man has a six-pack" or "I like my man b***s just the way they are." --Don't say that I'm missing the point and that these ads are to empower women and free them from the oppression to be thin. Or say something like you don't understand women go through this whole routine to get ready for an event and men just throw stuff on (Summer's Eve commercial) however when men do take very long to get ready for an event they get called "metro" or "borderline" or "g*y" and then people say stuff like women want real men. People also say well teenage girls starve themselves and put themselves through all kinds of torture. While no one seems to care teenage boys are just lifting away in high school weight rooms across the country being admitted to emergency rooms for numerous injuries due to over trainning, but I'm sure they're just doing it to build bone density to prevent hip fractures when they are 60(scarsam). It's like women are enjoyed on a broader spectrum. For men if you don't have abs you suck if you don't make her laugh you suck if you can't provide for her you suck if you are not smart you suck and so on with no exceptions. Not to say one s*x has it harder or one s*x is better they need each other. Tell me what you think. Thanks.




  1. Its not that men are expected to be the romance novel cover version for all woman. Every woman, just like ever man has a different idea of beauty (my husband is balding and his mid section is more like a keg then a six pack, but I think he is still the hottest guy ever). That's because he is smart as well as he gets me and we can laugh together.

    Why would a woman want a man that doesn't make her laugh?? That is the better question. Now that doesn't mean everyone has to get his sense of humour but you need to find someone in life you can laugh with.  I definitely did not want to be with a man who could not carry on a conversation for more than two minutes unless it was about his comic book collection, but that's me. And there are woman out there who don't expect the man to provide for them. They actually expect them to stay home with the kids and take care of the house. So not every woman is looking for the overly self involved man who is only concerned with his and/or his partners looks.

  2. Most magazines not only put hot women on their covers, they also have a bunch of articles in the magazine on how to lose 10 pounds in 10 days, or get that flat tummy, or how to get the butt you want in 30 days. It's not just that they put hot women on the cover (air brushed no less) they also are telling you you need to look like them. It's not just romance novels, but pretty much any magazine geared towards women. Even "health" magazines, which should be about being healthy, not thin.

    I'm not a man, so I"m not sure how much pressure there is for them to have a 6 pack. I know for my husband, clothes shopping is pretty easy. He picks the pants that have his waist and inseam size. Shirts he picks the one with the designs he likes in his size. It takes him an hour to buy a new wardrobe. He isn't looking in the mirror to see if the jeans make his *** look wide, or if the shirt makes his b***s look too small/big, or if it's too tight around the waist and you can see his love handles. He just buys what he likes. Me on the other hand, I have to try on every shirt to see how it fits, because the styles theses days either your b***s hang out, or you look pregnant. Jeans? I hate jean shopping. I can't just pick up my size knowing they will fit.....

  3. Growing up is hard... for both. You have to look your best or get picked on, but instead of their parents trying to get them healthy, they figure they'll eat what they want and throw it up... or lift away...

    I know my husband is a real man... he takes about as long as I do to get ready, but I don't mind because he looks d**n fine when he walks out... Now, he may take a 20-30 minute shower, but hes letting the hot water just relax him... If I take one, its because I'm shaving... My husband usually throws something on, and I toil over what to wear... but that is a man vs. a woman. What he throws on looks great, and what I pick out may be great in my mind, but then I don't like it with those shoes... or I need a sweater... etc... He just picks stuff out and puts it on without thought. But, he looks great!

    I've never once thought it was harder or easier for one side... Women give birth to babies, but the Lord made us that way to have our hardest labor in that one instance... Where are men are built to labor for life, like work. We're very different, but so similar! Men were built to protect women and women were built from men's rib to protect the heart.

    We each have our role to play. I for one have two small children, and we're getting healthy. My daughter is very toned, and looks great. She's 5 and not a stick. She's also not over weight. She is healthy. Same goes for my son. I want them to be heathly... not skinny... not fat.... just healthy... and happy!

  4. You know what else sucks, and yeah, I'm a little off subject here, but panty hose...something we are expected to wear to work, marked up to almost 8 bucks a pair for even the cheap ones, then what happens? They run before you even get to the office.

    Makeup...ridiculous prices

    Women's razors do the same as mens razors, but if the package says "lady" or they color it pink, it's 50 cents to a dollar more than the mens razors.

    I went to wal-mart to get a plain t-shirt. Womens shirts were 7 bucks, mens were 4 bucks.

    Jeans...don't even get me started with those prices.

    So to sum it up, so my appearance doesnt creep everybody out, I deal with the intense pressure to be thin, wear my $300 a kit make-up, do my hair with expensive shampoos, conditioners and gels, buy pairs upon pairs of panty hose, and oh yeah, tampons at $5 a box, and don't forget the extra 50 a month to get mynails done...I'm broke.

  5. There is way more pressure in society for women to look good.  This a fact and if you don't understand I can't help you.

    Edit-And the fat guy with the hot wife, that just proves my point.  If it were reveresed and the wife was fat, she would be made fun of to no end.

  6. I am a fat guy with a hot wife. But I do agree with you, it is a BS double standard. If I got up and made a speech like "I promise to embrace my beer gut because it makes me special" people would laugh me off the stage.  

  7. There is ZERO comparison, trust me.

    You are talking about some stupid romance novels MOST women don't even read.

    Women are bombarded CONSTANTLY and you do NOT notice it because you are a MAN.

    Trust me, you have ZERO clue what you are talking about.

  8. i agree with you many women are lame and the media leads them. they are obviously airheads who cant think for themselves and needs society to tell them how to look/dress etc. its stupid

  9. I agree, both sexes are experiencing pressure to fit into a certain role that society has made. Strong men, thin, modelesque females - but in reality we are not always in this condition. You just gotta love yourself, and if you think you need improvements, do it for yourself.

  10. Hi , some people are shallow and dont look for the nice things like personality and kindness , the media think that portraying women and of course men in an attractive way will sell the product ,, i agree we need more sub titles to portray the real people , some ideas for ads are ,, when we've washed our hair say " now i dont feel like shite" lol ,

    Patricia x

  11. I agree...

    But, if you look at all of these magazines, they are covered with hot women who have perfect bodies. It does make it hard to feel confident as a woman.

    I am not so into men with the "perfect" body. I prefer a man with a little meat on his bones and slight stubble on his face...

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