
My Wrist :( Hurts.......

by  |  earlier

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Ok so today it was going to rain and me and my friend tried to take the chain off the dog so that we can bring him in the house. The dog sorta put up a fight with us so I ended up scuffling with the dog eventually getting his inside. But somewhere in that somethign happened to my wrist now ever time I use it , it hurts and like a little craking sound I dont think its broken but say i squeeze my wrist into fist for it hurts like h**l!!! and its making cracking sounds easy. Wtf? help me?




  1. you could'nt even squeeze it into a fist at all if it was brken. sounds like you twisted it pretty bad. might even have cracked it some. put an ace bandage on it ank=d keep it mobile. before you bandage it;, soak it in real warm salt water. rub some aspercream on it. tonight keep it elevated--dont lie on it. it will hurt for a few days--then it will be alright. in the meantime;, dont overuse. ginve the tendons time to heal. good luck!

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