
My Xbox 360 is broke?

by  |  earlier

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every time i want to play a game or much less close the tray it just automatically opens i think its because i wanted to play COD4 one day and it just started making weird sounds and stuff (don't really know what that is supposed to mean) but anyway, is my Xbox 360 broke and if so can it be fixed?




  1. Make sure the disc is in the tray right, then shut it and hold it there for a couple seconds

  2. Get in touch with Microsoft ASAP, they will send UPS or DHL to come pick it up (they'll send you stickers first to mark the box) and you should have it back within a week, either repaired or new. They sometimes give you a freebie, depending on how many issues youve had...two of mind broke so I'm on my third 360 and they sent me a brand new game of my choice as an apology so try haggling...maybe faceplates for a first breakdown? Anyhow, its best to get the probs sorted out quickly and in the mean time just take your harddrive off if you have a harddrived xbox (they dont take those during repairs) and play on someone else's machine..your info will all be stored on it ofc, and it will all work with whatever machine they send back. Hope I helped!  

  3. try emailing microsoft, because i do think you have to send the xbox in due to the problem.
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