
My Y-splitter is reducing the quality of the sound significantly. Is this just my product or do they all?

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I bought a Belkin Headset Splitter today, looks like this:

And when I plug it into my iphone 3G and listen to some music, it sounds tingy and lower quality then when I plug in my earphones directly. I tried it with another set of headphones in the other plug but it still sounds the same. Is this just an issue with the splitter, or do they all generally do this.

If not, what is a trusty splitter that doesn't do this?




  1. Well, you are splitting the sound meant for one headphone in half.  What do you think???

  2. The splitter in itself shouldn't change the sound.  If your's does, try another Y connector.  You can make problems by plugging the wrong device with the wrong impedance into the Y, but if you have just the headsets plugged into on of the connectors there should be no change in the sound.  Try almost any brand.  There's nothing that complicated in a Y cable.

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