
My Yahoo BETA? Anyone else fed up with what these nitwits have done to this site?

by  |  earlier

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TV listings an unmanagable mess, tons of modules no longer available, and on and on it goes. And don't even get me started about dumping the message boards for this "Answers" abomination. Today, when I tried to add a channel to my TV listings and wound up with this "beta" clusterf*ck, I finally flipped out and said ENOUGH. I saw on another post where someone as P-O'd as me said try Excite. I did, and folks, I'm one happy camper now. Any ideas on how to cancel my Yahoo accounts, beyond being SUCH a pr*ck that they deactivate me? I don't want them to even be able to claim my accounts are part of their "userbase" numbers. Let these mopes know that they are LOSING members as a result of their stupid moves. Little by little, they chisled away at my patience until I could take it no more. ADIOS, Yahoo, you lose. Excite does everything you mopes USED TO, without the BS "improvements"...




  1. Go Complain to someone who cares!! You signed up for the site...

  2. well just do as i did ....switch back to your old version of MY YAHOO.  I didnt understand all that mess on there either.

  3. If you want to delete your entire account, go to this link:

    Note: all your previous answers/questions will remain, because once a question is resolved, the question and all answers to it become the sole property of Yahoo...

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