
My Yahoo account has been closed. How do I change a groups membership without access?

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My account was hijacked and closed by yahoo. I need to change my address in a yahoo group but without access to the e-mail I can not make the necessary changes. Any help would be appreciated as the moderator is getting bounced messages and has asked me to correct the problem. The question is: how to change the settings without going thru the closed account? Thanks ahead of time for help in this matter.

Peace, Cynthia




  1. I'm really sorry this has happened to you and for what's it's worth, you're not the first.

    there's not much you can do to regain ownership w/o the ID you created the group with. you can fill out the Help form but I'm pretty sure they wont be of much help to you.

    I'd be pretty sure from other's that's in this same boat, you're going to have to create a new group and start over.

    ALL owners of groups should create one or two spare Yahoo Accounts and make those owners of your groups, so you have a spare ID if any thing should happen to your main ID.

  2. Does that mean you can't even log in to your Yahoo ID on the Yahoo Groups web site ( )?  If you haven't tried that, then you should, because that would be your only hope.  (I say that because sometimes, Yahoo will only close a member's access to one of its services, like Mail, without closing the member's access to all other Yahoo services.)  If you can't even do that, then sorry, there's no way you can change your e-mail address in that Yahoo Group.

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