
My Yahoo! group moderator/owner died in 2007 without leaving passwords to ne1. How can I takeover the group?

by  |  earlier

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There have been attempts to find the password information from our group moderator/owner, but apparently there was nothing found by her brother. There are dozens of people who would like this to be properly monitored. What can we do to seize control and moderate this group?




  1. I suggest to go to the link below which lists a couple of "groups about groups" since I couldn't find a solution to your problem. One of those users might be able to help. Good luck!

  2. Try contacting Yahoo! cus care i had the same problem, but wen i reported to Yahoo! i got a very good response...

  3. depending on how long the account was inactive, it may have been deleted. Yahoo will not accept death certificates either, nor will they appoint an owner.

    it is said that if you contact yahoo, they will appoint a moderator (not an owner) if a poll is conducted to vote one in by the members of the group. however yahoo hasn't said what priviledges they'd give as moderator.

    some have said they tried this method, and once yahoo knew there was no active owner, they deleted the group as part of clean-up.

    your other choice is to create another group and invite those active members to it. this is probably the better of choice since there's then be an owner.

    either way, here's the help form

    Groups suggestion board

  4. Have her relative contact Yahoo with proof of her passing. I'm sure they would hand over adminship. If not, why not start your own group and put a link on the old site connecting it with the new.

  5. Well the brother of the moderator may not be able to find the password BUT the brother has all the information to reset the password.  I think all you need is the birthday, zip code and user name.  Then a question appears, usually something personal that the brother would know.  Ask them to be cooperative.

    I am somewhat baffled as to why you would go to these lengths for a group of a dozen people.  I would think you were talking about a hundred or something.  Start your own group!  It is a small group so they should all follow you if they are loyal to this group right?  Maybe I'm too sensitive but it just seems odd to want to "seize control" of a group when somebody who obviously was in charge of a close knit group has just passed.  I don't think her brother appreciates this much either so I hope you are all going about this in a professional manner.  Best of luck with your group, whatever you choose to do!

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