
My Younger Sister Just Wont Shut Up?

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No My Sister Is No Normal She Laughs At Anything At All.. And Its Getting Kind Of Worrying Mother And I Want Her To Shut Up. She Talks So Much.. And When She Screams Mother Thinks Its Me.. Hitting Her I Am Quit Worried About My Sister As She Has Energy Most Of The Time She Comes Across Hyper Every Day. ! What Do Me An My Mother Have To Do.. She Is 10 Years Old Btw




  1. I agree with the first answer, sound like she has ADHD. She needs to be checked out at the doctors or something.

  2. Sounds like she has ADHD.

  3. Firstly, Dude/ette shes 10.

    SHe probably has no good way of expanding he energy. Get her into some kind of sport  etc so she wont be so 'hyper' as you call it.

    Trust me this is what I did with my little brother just played football with him and he got into it and played frequently and he wasn't that hyper anymore.

  4. I have a nine year old sister she drives me mad!!! She also gets me into to a lot of trouble and i'm 20. How about getting some activity's she can sit and do just for 5-10 mins at a time.

    Why not get  your sister to join a drama class or dance if she is anything like my sister this would be good for her. Good luck

  5. Right, do not give her any food or drink with sugar in, so that's like sweets, coke, drink squashes, etc...Try to give her wholesome foods and drink like water milk, weetabix, y'know.

    If it continues, take her to see a doctor, which over a few years may diagnose her with ADHD or other disorders.

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