
My abusive father?please help?

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First off,lemme tell you about my father.he has abused me & my mother for over 10 years(all I know of).he calls us worthless,*luts,dumb,b*tches,low lifes and he calls me fat.(I've suffered anorexia).once he was drunk and he told me to go on a corner & then he kicked my back.I've called the police on him,he doesn't care.I've told my mother from a young age that I hate my father& my mother agrees.she hates him too. my mother keeps telling me shell leave him,but she just keeps forgiving him.I don't know what to do? Please help me.I wanna die =(




  1. You should call the police and/or child protective services and tell them your situation. And talk to your mother about how she should stop forgiving him and that he will never change and leave her husband. it may be hard, but you need to fight for your freedom.

    Email me for more help

  2. convince your mother to move out with you saying that he'll never change and you've given him enough chances! call the police again and tell them that they to please help

  3. im so sorry to hear this! plz call the police or go to the police station. avoid your dad as much as possible! i hate to hear this terrible story!

  4. First off, i'm so sorry. :( You need to call the police and tell them about the situation because you're father should not be treating you and your mom like that. I know it might be really hard for you if your mom and him get a divorce but they probably should. Just make sure you get help asap. good luck!

  5. I am sorry you are going through such a tough situation.  Your mother is probably scared to leave.  She is either scared he will come after her or you, or she can not support you on her own.  It could be she believes she deserves it.  What ever the case is, it doesn't sound like you can help your mom right now.  I'm more worried about you.  Is there a relative you can stay with for a while? A grandparent, aunt, or uncle?  You really need to get out of that house.  Please do not consider suicide.  You are so young, and have so much you can offer the world.  

  6. seems to me you're not going to be able to save your mom but you must save yourself.

    You say the police won't do anything, I don't know if you've called CPS yet or not. If not call them, if they don't step in and remove you then your only other option is to call suicide prevention hot line....they'll get you outta there quick.....make sure you tell them you've gone all the other routes ie...police (911) and CPS. They'll help you if they think you're serious about hurting yourself. I feel your pain luv, but now you must do what's right for you~

  7. report him

  8. hey calm down first i know that u do not want to die so dont say that second i know you love your mom but you cant listen to her anymore you have to report him no matter how much she cries. you have to or else its only going to get worse he is only going to get stronger and you will get even more hurt you have to report him.

  9. Firstly sorry to hear about your father no one should have to suffer in their own home espcially at the hands of there father ,your mother shouldn't be with him if he is that abusive, but seeing it from your mums side sometimes when you have been with someone for a long time its difficult to leave especially if under their control they have zapped all of your self confidence.

    Remember that all the horrible stuff your father says is not true hes doing it either to be mean or cause hes under the influence of alcohol

    he has no right to lay his hands on you  and remember you have done nothing wrong ,seek advice off a professional  a consellor a family worker.

    Put your energy into things to help you get out of that awful situation you don't deserve this either does your mum ,life is to short .

    Save up to leave then you can be in a position to help your mum,never ever give up on your life , i know sometimes its easier said than done but you have done nothing wrong you are a victim and when there is a will there is a way.

    You can get out of that situation he can't stop you building a life for yourself show him that you can become sucessful even though hes put you down ,once your out of there you can enjoy life and start to replace your pain with happiness i know you can do it just don't give up your life is to precious always remember that show him that even though he has hit you he cant break you inside.

    I hope this somewhat helped.

  10. there are a lot of children's right organizations that u can find on the net... try approaching one of them.. you seem like a strong girl and i hope you get out of this situation soon... and until you get help, keep calling the police...

  11. i feel bad for you.... you need to move out along with your mommy.

    how old r u? no one deserves to go through that, including me...

    same situation...different person... (boyfriend)... please answer mine if you could:;...

    P.S- you may wanna read some of this:

    but pleeease answer mine, i need help too

  12. Oh I am so sorry for you, this is such a difficult situation. I've been in the same position as you, but then my father became very ill so can no longer bash any of us, only be verbal. It's good that you've had the courage to call the cops, but more should have happened as a result. Why don't you try talking to your school counsellor about it, he/she should be able to give you the best advice. I hope everyhting turns out okay in the end for you and your mum, xox

  13. set up a hidden camera and then show it to the police

  14. Speak to a trusted, responsible adult - a teacher or school counselor.   See what options there are in your area.

    I'll tell you one thing - don't let him ruin your life.  Try to ignore the abusive talk.  If he lays a finger on you, call the cops.  Let this make you a stronger person.  Learning how to handle people like this will help you later in life.  You'll know how to treat a bully!

    If it helps- you're not alone.  Many of us grew up in abusive situations and worse.  You can live a great life.  Just make plans to get out of there as soon as you can and be on your own.

  15. been there,my step father was hurtful cutting me, came in my room with a sledge hammer, bite me and made everyone against me and told me no body loves or likes me and i may as well jump out the window. What i did is he used to push me down the stairs but as he was about to push me i jumped out the way and he fell, and then me and my mum ran for it. What 2 do is get him asleep and/or unconscious then make a run for it!

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