
My account got suspended because of posts I made in the politics section. How long til I get my account back??

by  |  earlier

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I was forced to make a new account, which is ridiculous. I did make some controversial comments, and got "violation: notices. So they suspended my account, how long until they un-suspend my account?




  1. your new account is now your only account. when its gone, its gone. so are all your points. it bites huh?

    actually one person told me they got theirs back. fifty or sixty others told me that was BS.

  2. They dont, this is now your primary account.  Don't worry, I know somebody who made 50 of them just to spam an ex girlfriend with.  I hear he's in jail now, which knowing the guy, is a very good place for him to be.

  3. They don't.  Yahoo has mislabeled a suspension.  It is really expulsion or deletion.  There is no way to get your Yahoo account back once it's suspended.  The ONLY thing you can try is to try to appeal it and information would be posted in the e-mail they sent saying it was suspended.  On occasion friends can vouch for you as well and you might get it back, but I have never heard of anyone being successful doing this.  Usually you just have to cut your losses and move on.  

  4. You do not get it back!  You are toast, lefty!

  5. That's what you get for the name calling.  People have the right to say what they want.  Your name calling was personally offensive, immature and uncalled for.

  6. no chance

  7. You don't get it back.

  8. What did you do to deserve such a sentence?

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