
My actual name is Medea.

by  |  earlier

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How many other people had bizarre parents that thought this name was a good name to name a child.

Yes, I know the Euripides play very well.




  1. oh. wow. Just don't go falling over any Jasons. I like the name however, Its very lovely.  

  2. i named my kid malea

  3. Every child born into our family for the past 6 generations has the name "Bubastes", it is to honor the Cat Goddess Bast, because Bubastis is where her major temple was located in Egypt.

    And yes, I went to school with others who had names such as Isis, Horus, Diana and even had a teacher who's first name was Hathor.

  4. Hey...I wonder if youre the Medea I know?? lol, do you baby-sit?

  5. ..oh wow..

    thats pretty weird..but differnt you go by a nick name???

    answer mine..plz;...;...

  6. Hello My Dear

    I know someone who was called K.P Nut and had a father called

    Ivor. I think they went on holiday to Brazil. :-)

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