
My adorable girl cockatiel Ginny has been sleeping and fluffed up.?

by  |  earlier

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My bird has been so quiet, sometimes i forget she is there. She has her own playmate, Murphy, and lots of toys. She sometimes sits over the food bowl. Is there anything wrong?




  1. If she is sleeping and fluffed up she may be sick.  Maybe take her to the vet.  She may have pneumonia.

  2. she may be alittle under the weather,  but sitting in the food dish is deff norm cockatiel behavoir lol  check out for good tiel info

  3. If this isn't normal for her I would take her to the vet for sure. My African Grey did that and turned out she needed meds. She is fine now. But birds hide their illnesses very well. And we tend not to notice tell they are very sick.

  4. She might be sick. Is she always this quiet? If she isn't always this way, you should take her to the vet.

  5. If she is not normally a sleepy gal, then this is cause for concern. Birds usually hide illness very well, until the illness is severe. Lethargy, fluffed feathers, and resting on places that are flat vs. perching, can be signs of illness.

    The best thing for Ginny and her companion is for her to be seen by a vet. Avian illnesses can progress and spread very quickly.

    If she is female, aside from illness, she could be egg bound, which is an emergency.

    If possible, until she sees the vet, keep her quiet, away from the stress of the house, and in a warm area. It would be best to remove her from the cage with the other bird if possible, in case she is shedding bacteria (common in bird illnesses).

    There is no way for someone over the internet to tell exactly what is wrong, she needs to be looked at.

    Good luck, I hope Ginny feels better soon.

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