
My advisor (for university) is not replying and I don't have enough time...?

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I have not yet registered for classes for the fall 2008 term. Why? Because my father told me he was not sending me anymore and that he was going to send me spring 2009 instead. Then, LAST MINUTE yesterday he says to me he IS sending me. So now I have so much to do and not enough time. So I send my advisor an email and told her I need help with registering for classes. She replied immediately asking for my last name, major, and ASU ID number (I am going to Arizona State University). So I replied back right after she sent me the email and I gave her everything she needed (this was before yesterday). She has not replied yet. I thought maybe she didn't get the email (it happens sometimes) so I sent her another one but still no reply. University classes starts on the 25th so there is no time! And to top that all off, I am not even in Phoenix yet! I am still overseas and I have to go to the travel agency tomorrow morning (they are closed today) and book the first flight out.

So here is my question: Can I register for classes without the help of my advisor? I am a freshman by the way.

Please do not say how I waited too long and it is my fault because it isn't. My dad had decided 3 weeks ago that I was not going. I asked if I should set things up in case he changes his mind and he said no because he wouldn't. But he did and now I am suffering because he changed his mind at the last minute.

Please help, what can I do? I need to register soon!




  1. Email is sometimes the worst way to reach someone at a university, if the subject is urgent. I know it's an international call and it's going to cost you, but because this is so urgent, you need to call her.

    If you can not reach her, I'd have you arrange everything else, while you wait. You need housing - call the housing office. You need to pay for your tuition and etc. - call and do so. Do whatever you can to get yourself sorted while you wait to register for classes.

    Most universities do have ways for you to register for classes without going through your advisor. If you can't reach her, call the registrar's office. Also, check the school's website, as some schools allow you to register for classes online.

    If worse comes to worst, and you can't register for classes before you get to campus, know that you *can* register for classes once you get to campus. Make sure all the other details re: payment of tuition, payment for and placement in student housing, and etc. are taken care of, and if you must wait to register for specific classes, so be it.

    You've got your student visa all set if you need one, correct?

    This is stressful, but it's also a wonderful opportunity. Yes, there is the stress, but you'll get through this, and then, the excitement!

  2. Either get the rest of your advisor's contact information and call her directly, or get in touch with the registration office (again, calling is probably better than e-mail if you want an immediate response) and ask them if there's any way you can take care of this without her.  I realize it's not your fault that you're doing this at the last minute, but you're the only one this impacts so urgently, so it's up to you to do everything in your power to resolve it.  Good luck.

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