
My age is 35 i m suffering from rhumetied arthrities. any one who know the medicine pls tell me?

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My age is 35 i m suffering from rhumetied arthrities. any one who know the medicine pls tell me?




  1. Rheumatoid arthritis is an immunodisease. You would possibly need immune supressent drugs. However I would not take advice from untrained people for medical advice, go see a GP.

    In the long run artificial joints may be needed.

  2. Please remember what a rheumatoid arthritis is.... it is your body attacking its own cells... it is what is called an autoimmune disease.  And thus, part of your treatment would be a change in your diet from less inflammatory foods... more veggies, fruits, whole GRAINS, eliminate items that are "man made".  In other words:   if people make it, don't eat it.... cakes, pies, white bread, fried foods, soft drinks,.white pasta.... you get the idea.

    As well, I'd recommend that you read some of the stuff written by Andrew Weil.... he's a Harvard trained doc, and I think has a book with recipes.  As well, read his "healthy aging".

    This may not totally eliminate your inflammatory response, since you have likely eaten crappy food for 35 years.  And whatever it is that has set it off, isn't going to go away in 6 months, is it?   But I have a friend who has had this disease, and has always eaten crappy food.... McDonald's and the like, and is so crippled up she's on Anti-immune drugs that are given to transplant patients, and Fentenyl patches for pain, yet refuses to change her diet... and she's a Vet!!!!! so for sure she knows something about diet.

    You need to see a rheumotologist, but as well, you need to change your diet.

    I'm way older than you, and used to eat lots of junky foods.  Now pretty much whole grain only, steel cut oats for breakfast, baked chicken and salmon, steamed veggies with olive oil, lots of walnuts and ground flax seed, and I feel wayyyyyyy better.  10 years ago, I was always exhausted.  So between diet change and exercise, I've done a lot in 10 years.  This does not mean I never eat a candy bar (a bad thing) but it is rare, and I keep track of that kind of stuff.   As well, you might buy the book by Dr. Oz, called something like "you--- an owners manual."  It's rather corny, but to the point.

  3. What you need to do is go to a specialist rheumatologist for assessment. Depending on how bad you are they'll probably put you on a disease modifying drug which will delay the joint destruction and extend your mobility for years more. Important to get started early though and such therapy needs to be closely supervised as you can get decreased blood cells from time to time that require dose adjustments

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