
My airconditioner comes on, it trips my outside night light It's as if,lightning has flashed/&it goes off WHY?

by  |  earlier

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I'm concerned that somewhere there is a short involving my A/C and am baffled as to why my nightlight goes off - my thermostat is in the south side of my house, my nightlight is on the south side of my house and my AC is on the north. Would appreciate any advice as to where to begin to diagnose the problem. I know that sometimes my nightlight goes off if lightning is in the area - the light turns off because, the light sees what it thinks in daylight. Thanks for any helpful advice.




  1. They could be on the same circuit or your air conditioning is drawing the power down so much on start that it is affecting the outdoor light. You do need to have this tracked down by a professional.

  2. i would call an electrician if i was you something is shorting out don't want to start a fire.

  3. It has to do with the electronics in the light.

    Mine turns on when ever my refrigerator comes on, the porch light comes on. My is also a motion sensor and I always thought it had to do with the motion detector and not the solar cells that detects the light since mine won't do it in full sun.

    But I assume some how it is detecting the drop in voltage and tripping the electronics. And since most of those have a delay to avoid it coming on and off all the time due to clouds or something, then it is just a quirk of the unit.

    I replaced my light with a new one and it doesn't do that.

    I don't think you have a short. This house was my father's and he used it that way for many years.

    Good Luck

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