
My alder tree is drippping sap real bad and it is black on one whole side

by  |  earlier

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it looks like it was burned or hit by lightening. how would i know if it was lightening? how do I help it get healthy. I bought some lady bugs in case it is a insect problem




  1. wow

  2. It's possible that your tree has some kind of bug sucking the life of your tree.  The aphid is one.  The sap is excreted and the black that you see is called opportunistic mold.  It is possible to wash it off but that will not solve the problem.  

    Unfortunately when you release ladybugs the first thing they will do is a cleansing flight and can fly up to two miles away.  Which is where they land.  NOT on your stuff.  Try locating the infestation and using a spray attatchment that mixes a mixture of dishsoap and water into the spray attachment.  Basically you are giving your tree a bath.  You may want to check with your local garden center for a soap that is made for plants if you have to do this more than once.

  3. i would guess it would be aphids or some other plant feeding insect in which their sugary secretion creates a black mold where the drippings occur

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