
My algae cleaner has been bloated for about 2 -3 days does anyone know how to stop this?

by Guest33150  |  earlier

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any help wanted

thanks for the time




  1. well algae cleaners dont eat

    unless you mean a Chinese algae eater

    or a plecostomus

    many fish come under the category algae eater

    try feeding it pea with the skin off

    i have read its a natural laxative for fish or something like that

  2. well when i get bloated, i usually take some midol because there is anti bloating medicine in it, so just dissolve one in your tank. i did it once for my algae cleaner and it worked really fast, but it died like two days later and i have no idea why. i probably should have given it more sooner

  3. Well, you could go buy some snails or maybe some algae eatters to put in the tank and then clean out your filter really well and see how that goes. If you don't want to do that, then you might buy a stronger filter.

  4. ....bloated algae eaters need wood to chew

    ...get a little piece of driftwood from the store, spend less, just for the algae eater, (later if you like a large piece, try to make your own, soaking, boiling, etc.)

    ....for the moment, add some soft green peas (skin removed), peeled cucumber or zucchini slices, and lettuce or spinach

    ...that should help the fish pass the constipation

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