
My almost 22 month doesn't talk?

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I am asking this because I am slightly concerned about my son. He really doesn't use any words. He would rather "show" you want he wants by taking your hands and making you do the thing he wants. Like today, he brought me his cup and grabbed my hands, and put it in my hands. He babbles a lot, and points, but no real words. I have noticed him lining things up in a row..which is why I am kind of worried. I know my son is perfectly normal for himself.. but I tend to be a worried wort! I have encouraged him to speak..and I have taken him every week to story time at the libaray. Anyone else out there like me?




  1. This has happend to my someone i know also, and the docter she went to told her that if your child doesnt speak in  words or sentences after 18 months you should take them to therepy for it. but it is quite commen with  plenty of toddlers.  

  2. Have your child evaluated if he does not respond to simple commands, questions, greetings or his name; does not engage in “pretend” play; is frustrated in his attempts to communicate; doesn’t produce any words or speech between 12 and 18 months; appears delayed when compared to peers; or is hard to understand, particularly by unfamiliar listeners.

    This is a really helpful site you should definitely check out before taking him to the pediatrician:

  3. My son was a late talker as well and now its non stop talking. But you should talk to his doctor to be on the safe side. And listen to your instincts, don't let your doctor down play it if you think its a real problem.

  4. u may want to contact the schools and see if they know of any way to get a speech therapist at the house and go to the doctor and get his ears checked my aunt had this problem with 2 of her grandsons and my friend had the same issue with her daughter both had to do so with the kids my friends daughter and one of my aunts grandsons had ear problems and the other grandson just is stubborn  

  5. yes. You should be worried about your son. He should be saying 2 word sentences by now. I know exactly how you feel. My son was showing "issues" by 18 months old, but the doctor just did not have  a clue what to do other than wait. At 24 months old my "mommy sense" was going nuts and the doctor still was not doing anything. The same day I ran across a flyer for a developmental screening through Early Intervention. I called them and sceduled him for a free screen. He failed it, so they sent him to a speech therapist who diagnosed him with apraxia. He is similar to an older adult who has damaged thier speech center with a stroke (although he HAS NOT had a stroke). He knows exactly what he wants to say, but he either cannot access the vocabulary OR he cannot make his mouth move in the needed manner. His main concern is a lack of lateral (side to side) and vertical movement in his tongue. Have you ever tried to say the alphabet with the tip of your tongue stuck to the back of your top teeth? try it. It is really hard to do more than babble.

    My son goes through phases where he lines things up, but mostly he plays with things in an approapriate manner, so we are not too worried about that.He is almost errily smart, so we know it is just a speech issue. He has been in speech for 7 months now and has made great progress. he now attempts to say anything he wants, and regularly speaks in 3+ word senrtences.

    Feel free to e-mail me directly for more info. I know some oral-motor excersizes you can try

  6. my son the same age and he doesn't really talk he say mama and choo choo other then that nothing it all grab my hand and show me i read him books with big pictures and stuff and he understand but kids are stubborn when they wanna talk they will and after that you will want them to be quite lol  

  7. First I would like to say that every child is different and is earlier with some things and later with other things.  You sound very involved with your son, which is such a great thing.  I know this mind sound odd but sometimes we speak to quickly, and all a child hears is babbling.  I'm not saying this is the case, but sometimes it does happen.  My suggestions are just to make sure that you are speaking at a slower pace and to make sure that everytime he shows you what he wants you just say, oh you want a drink? (when he brings you a cup).  But it sounds like you are already doing this, which is good.  Just mention it to your doctor, and I'm almost 99% positive that he will say it's normal.  Just keep up the good work with encouraging him to speak, and he will be speaking before you know it.  Best of luck!

  8. Stop this worrying right now! Firstly, take him to your dr and ask to be referred to check his hearing! He may have glue ear! When you have these results you can then decide if he needs any speech therapy etc! My eldest son, now 16, ALWAYS lined up his toys! And he has nothing wrong with him, he is not autistic, just loves having a lovely tidy bedroom etc! My 3rd child has severe speech delay due to a cleft palate and hearing probs! She is now 6 and improved beyond recognition! Whatever, happens don't let drs etc stress you, I can tell you now i have had many sleepless nights, due to drs not thinking before they open their mouths! I am sure everything is ok, he is only 22 months after all! Some kids are just slower than others! Good luck! DON'T WORRY!

  9. You really sound worry and I understand your point, but you should not worry about it.

    It was the same thing with my two daugthers when they reached that age I thought that they should be speaking as many other kids of their age, but every kid is different.

    My youngest daugther took longer in everything, so I used to worry a lot, but with the time I discovered that she is unique and the fact that other kids could speak better than her at that age did not mean she was not talking, she just took longer.

    Now she is 30 months old and she is very smart, she just take her time in everything.

    My daugther will not speak when she was 22 months old, just like yours, but when she started, it was like somebody flip a switch in her mind, she started to talk just fine and she is doing great now.

    God bless you

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