
My almost 3 year old twins have been giving me BAD night off late ?What to do ?

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they ( or 1 of them) wakes up in the middle of the night.. wants to p**p... and then pee . And wait only by the father .

Then they just dont want to go to sleep.

if one gets up the other gets up "automatically" as he screams yells etc.

this morning both were up at 5 and my husband who had not been able to sleep at night had to go to work w/o any rest.

What can i do?

I really need help?




  1. well depending on when you have dinner you can take them outside and play after dinner (thats what we do with our boys) let them run out some of their energy, give them a bath right before bed, read them book and that may help it helped us

  2. why re they waking up so early, ok, maybe its because they arent tired enough at nite, make sure to eliminate or reduce any day naps, and give them activity a few hrs before bed so they are worn down.

  3. make sure that they get every thing before sleep. its no new thing.

    make em sleep in dipers if needed. but kids are kids u cant blame them for that. even u had also troubled ur mom like that.

  4. I don't envy you. One is hard enough....

    If I were you I would separate them up... Father sleep with one and Mother sleep with the other.  Then they can't wake each other up and at least one of you has a chance at getting a sleep.

    After a few nights, they will probably want to sleep together again - then you can use that as a bargaining chip - you get to sleep together IF you can show me that you can sleep well together.

    its worth a shot....

  5. Some points:= to help

    1)Give a body massage with oil,even only legs and hand will do if not whole body before sleeping.

    2)Make sure they play physically well, to feel tired and sleep well.

    3)Don't allow them to sleep during the day for more than half hour or one hour.

    4)At evening time, when at home, give them some puzzle kind of things to play or solve.

    5)Make sure they have their dinner at 8-9 pm,so that their stomach gets time enough to digest and provide tendency of poo-pee before they go to sleep.

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